Den finaste filmen.

[videofyme id=”656765″ width=”800″ height=”512″]

Nu har Karin satt ihop en film från tågluffen, så jag tänkte att det kunde vara kul för er att se den också. Sedan jag såg den för första gången för någon vecka sedan har jag klickat på play-knappen otaliga gånger, och varje gång blir jag alldeles glad och pirrig. Jag längtar så jag tror jag dör till nästa sommar och mera äventyr.

Now Karin has put together a film from our interrail last summer, so I thought I’d show it to you. Since I saw it for the first time about a week ago, I’ve clicked on the play-button countless times, and each time I get so happy and tingly. I’m longing sooo much for next summer and more adventures. 

26 responses to “Den finaste filmen.

  1. Anna says:

    I love the video ! 🙂 It makes me feel so free and happy
    I would love to have a vacation like that aswell .

  2. sara says:

    It’s the funniest video I’ve ever seen. THUMBS UP. you definitely had fun, great girls. go on!!

  3. Michello says:

    Så himla fin film!! Såg sjukt härligt ut! 😀

  4. paulina says:

    Wow vad bra! gud vad duktig hon är verkligen!
    och jag måte säga att det ser helt fantastiskt ut! jag vill också!

  5. Sina says:

    Herlig! Dere er så fine!

  6. Jeline says:

    This is such a great video! I enjoyed watching it. 🙂

  7. Nastya says:

    Funny video! with friends is always fun! you cool friends.
      tell me what this song, please. I will be grateful 🙂

  8. j says:

    amazing video. i would watch it a thousands time too if i were you 😉

  9. Evangelina says:

    Vilken härlig film!!

  10. Aleksandra Zn. says:

    Amazing video . There is no words to say how much i enjoyed 🙂

  11. Kieu Linh says:

    I really like the part where you dance with your firend….it looks funny =)

    greets from Berlin ♥

  12. wirag says:

    I’m glad you had a fun time, according to the video and your previous posts about the trip!
    You and your friends look so happy, full of life. I wish I knew you!

  13. Johanna says:

    Vackert!! Vad heter de otroligt stämningsfulla låtarna hon använt i filmen? :))

  14. gemma o says:

    this looks so lovely :3 You have made me want to go on a trip with friends!!! Although since I live in Australia it wouldn’t be as exciting as yours.
    If you have anymore photos or things from the trip, could you post them? I love hearing about your trip, because it is inspiring me and my friends to plan our own mini one.

  15. ronja says:

    har hon tjejen med kort lockigt hår någon blogg? fett snygg

  16. ebbazingmark says:

    Ronja: Visst är hon? Hon heter kajsa och hennes blogg är 🙂

  17. Zoe says:

    Hi ebba, this is a great video 🙂 i was wondering, what did Karin use to film it? thanks in advance! <3

  18. katy vess says:

    that is like the best video which i have seen so far on the blogs! keep the great jub, ebba! and i truly cant wait to see another ones from you 🙂

  19. thea says:

    åh, vilken fin video <3 började göra lite kompis-/festfilmer för 2 år sen ungefär, filmat med digitalkamera. skitkul! dock kvalitetsmässigt inte lika bra som det här. undrar: vad har hon filmat med? tack!

  20. Luna says:

    Which camera and lense uses Karin? I really love the video. A half year to wait for next summer. I can’t wait for it.

    PS. I don’t like the quadratic glasses on you because the black line is exactly over your eyebrows.

  21. ebbazingmark says:

    thea: Gör det! Det är så himla kul att ha och se på efteråt 🙂 Hon har filmat med min gamla D90 och ett 50mm f/1,8-objektiv!

  22. Julija says:


  23. Laiza Nicodemos says:

    ‘AI SE EU TE PEGO’ AT THE END LOL I still can’t believe this song has reached Europe! Lovely video, I really really want to go on a trip around Europe, that’s always been a dream of mine.

    Greetings and kisses from Brazil Xxx

  24. elf says:

    What camera and lens you used to record this video? It’s magic (:

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