Ungefär såhär har den senaste månaden sett ut på min instagram, @ebbazingmark. Mycket gott fika, många fina vänner och många gulliga husdjur. Jag bara älskar bilden på syrran och Charlie längst ner till vänster från en jättemysig skogspromenad på självaste julafton. Vilken bild gillar ni bäst?

My last month has looked something like this through my instagram, @ ebbazingmark. Many pictures of sweets, good friends and cute pets. I just love the picture of my sister and Charlie at the bottom left (taken during a winter walk at christmas eve). Which picture do you like best?

7 responses to “DECEMBER SNAPSHOTS

  1. lovisa/polichinelle says:

    urfina bilder, allesammans ju! fast en julaftonspromenad är ju aldrig helt fel.

  2. alex says:

    Seems like a fun december ♥

  3. Eva says:

    Lovely photos and the one with the little doggy is so cute! xx

  4. May says:

    Beutiful photos! It seems like you have the coolest friends like, ever!

  5. Erin says:

    i love your sis. does she have a blog maybe?

  6. coline says:

    Great snapshot!

    Coline !

  7. zuuwa says:

    Awww, the cute little dog! xx

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