Nu är det dags att göra tre av er läsares alla hjärtans dag lite extra bra! Det var extremt svårt att välja bland era 800 (!!!) snygga date-outfits, men jag fastnade lite extra för dessa tre. Gillar ni dem? Grattis till Karolina (3rd), Gladys (2nd) och Lena (1st)! Tappa inte hoppet om ni inte vann denna gång, om någon timme publicerar jag de tre lyckliga vinnarna av min Le Bunny-tävling. Stay tuned!

Now it’s the time to make three of you readers’s Valentine’s Day a little extra good! It was extremely difficult to choose among your 800 (!) stylish date outfits, but these three catched my eyes. Do you like them?  Congratulations to Karolina (3rd), Gladys (2nd) och Lena (1st)! Don’t lose hope if you didn’t win this time, in about one hour I’ll publish the three lucky winners of the Le Bunny-giveaway. Stay tuned!

6 responses to “CONGRATULATIONS #1

  1. Anonymous says:

    i will kill you

  2. Cindy says:

    oj herregud, hemsk kommentar där uppe…. Ville ba önska dig en bra Alla hjärtans dag, Ebba, lots of love!

  3. Anonymous says:

    ebba which of these looks is number one???

  4. Anonymous says:

    ebba which of these looks is number one??

  5. Anonymous says:

    I bet its the right one because its so similar to Ebba’s style

  6. Gladys says:

    Hi Ebba, just want to say thank you. this is the first time of my life that i win something, haha. Anyways, you’re just such a special girl and i like you a lot. Have a nice day!

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