Som ni kanske vet Ă€r Aussie en av mina absoluta favoriter nĂ€r det kommer till hĂ„rvĂ„rd. DĂ€rför kĂ€nns det extra kul att kunna berĂ€tta att jag har blivit utvald att delta i ett samarbete som heter “Aussome You”!
Aussome You-samarbetet Ă€r helt enkelt en liten hyllning till alla tjejer som vĂ„gar sticka ut pĂ„ ett skönt och otvunget sĂ€tt. Aussie har ju sin egen filosofi “There’s more to life than hair, but it’s a good place to start”, och nu har jag fĂ„tt i uppdrag att ta fram ett eget citat som representerar mig sjĂ€lv. Samarbetet kommer fortsĂ€tta genom hela april och avslutas med ett event i Stockholm den 26e. Snart berĂ€ttar jag mer om vad det innebĂ€r, men redan nu kan jag sĂ€ga att ni lĂ€sare kommer fĂ„ chansen att vara med, sĂ„ hĂ„ll utkik! En liten hint Ă€r att det vore bra om ni började fundera redan nu pĂ„ vilka citat som representerar just er….
Translate: As you may know, Aussie is one of my favorites when it comes to hair care. Therefore it is especially exciting to announce that I’ve been chosen to participate in a collaboration called “Aussome You”!
The Aussome You-collaboration is simply a tribute to all the girls who dare to stand out in a nice and easy manner. Aussie’ve their own philosophy, “There’s more to life Than hair, but it’s a good place to start”, and now I’ve been asked to develop a quote that represents myself. The collaboration will continue throughout April and ends with an event in Stockholm on the 26th. Soon I’ll tell you more about what it means, but I can say right away that you readers will have the chance to come and join me at the event, so look out! A small hint is that it would be good if you started thinking about the quote that represents yourself best ….