

20120402-151044.jpgSom ni kanske vet Ă€r Aussie en av mina absoluta favoriter nĂ€r det kommer till hĂ„rvĂ„rd. DĂ€rför kĂ€nns det extra kul att kunna berĂ€tta att jag har blivit utvald att delta i ett samarbete som heter “Aussome You”!

Aussome You-samarbetet Ă€r helt enkelt en liten hyllning till alla tjejer som vĂ„gar sticka ut pĂ„ ett skönt och otvunget sĂ€tt. Aussie har ju sin egen filosofi “There’s more to life than hair, but it’s a good place to start”, och nu har jag fĂ„tt i uppdrag att ta fram ett eget citat som representerar mig sjĂ€lv. Samarbetet kommer fortsĂ€tta genom hela april och avslutas med ett event i Stockholm den 26e. Snart berĂ€ttar jag mer om vad det innebĂ€r, men redan nu kan jag sĂ€ga att ni lĂ€sare kommer fĂ„ chansen att vara med, sĂ„ hĂ„ll utkik! En liten hint Ă€r att det vore bra om ni började fundera redan nu pĂ„ vilka citat som representerar just er….

Translate: As you may know,  Aussie is one of my favorites when it comes to hair care. Therefore it is especially exciting to announce that I’ve been chosen to participate in a collaboration called “Aussome You”!

The Aussome You-collaboration is simply a tribute to all the girls who dare to stand out in a nice and easy manner. Aussie’ve their own philosophy, “There’s more to life Than hair, but it’s a good place to start”, and now I’ve been asked to develop a quote that represents myself. The collaboration will continue throughout April and ends with an event in Stockholm on the 26th. Soon I’ll tell you more about what it means, but  I can say right away that you readers will have the chance to come and join me at the event, so look out! A small hint is that it would be good if you started thinking about the quote that represents yourself best ….


UngefÀr sÄhÀr produktiva har vi varit idag. Tagit en ordentlig sovmorgon, kÀkat stor-frukost med nattens översovare, myst omkring i min supersköna one-piece frÄn rutstore och tack vare snöovÀdret inte ens stuckit nÀsan utanför dörren. KvÀllen fortsÀtter pÄ samma softa spÄr med film och godsaker. Jag kan inte annat Àn Àlska söndagar!

Translate: Today I’ve been this productive. Started off the day with eating a large breakfast with the friends who slept at our apartment last nigt, and thena I’ve just been hanging around in my super comfortable one-piece from rutstore and thanks to the snowstorm haven’t even stuck my nose outside the door. I just love these lazy Sundays!


Giveaway-time! Om du vill lukta lite extra gott i vĂ„r med doften “freak” frĂ„n illamasqua (vĂ€rde: 550 kr) Ă€r det bara att 1) Gilla GLOW makeup pĂ„ facebook HÄR och 2) SlĂ€ng in en liten hĂ€lsning och din mailadress i en kommentar hĂ€r nedan. Ok? DĂ„ kör vi! Vinnaren drar jag om en vecka, nĂ€sta söndag alltsĂ„.

Translate: Giveaway-time! If you want to smell a little extra good this spring with the scent “freak” from illamasqua (value: 550 SEK), just like GLOW makeup on Facebook HERE and throw in a quick greeting and your email address in a comment below. Ok? Let’s go! I’ll publish the winner in a week.

Intervju med Rachel Marie- tjejen som hittade sin man pÄ lookbook.

NĂ€sta intervju Ă€r uppe! Denna gĂ„ng har jag pratat med 23-Ă„riga Rachel-Marie Jones frĂ„n Chicago om framgĂ„ngarna pĂ„ lookbook/i bloggvĂ€rlden och att hitta kĂ€rleken pĂ„ nĂ€tet. SĂ„ gulligt och inspirerande! LĂ€s den pĂ„ engelelska hĂ€r nedan eller pĂ„ svenska HÄR.
Translate: My next interview is up! This time I’ve talked to 23-year-old Rachel-Marie Jones from Chicago about her success at lookbook/in the blogosphere and to find love online. So romantic and inspiring! Read it in english below or in Swedish HERE.

Tell us about how you started lookbooking and blogging?

Back in the day when Myspace was hip, one of my friends sent me a message and told me I should really check out Lookbook.nu and that I’d fit in and should try to post a look. So I did, and I became hooked. I haven’t stopped posting since. The blog came right around the same time. I wanted to make more of an online journal though, my aim was not for Jag Lever to be solely fashion related. It was intended to be more of a lifestyle and personal fashion blog, but it has definitely grown into more of a fashion blog over time. I try to post other things too, like music and personal things.

Tell us about how you and your husband met?

He found me through Lookbook and was really inspired by my work. He then added me on Facebook, and it took me forever to accept his friend request because I didn’t know who he was. Eventually one day I randomly did, and then we started chatting. We thought it would be funny to Skype one day (and I wanted to hear his accent) so we did, and it was really cool and that led to us meeting in London.

In what way has your popularity on lookbook and your blog affected your personal life?

One thing that I find really interesting is that I’ve encountered multiple instances where people have recognized me in public from my blog/lookbook. Once in London when I was eating seafood, once in Einstein Bagels in downtown Chicago, once on the bus in Chicago, and once in Urban Outfitters in Chicago. Sometimes I also catch people staring at me for a really really long time, and I think they recognize me but maybe don’t know where from, or are too shy to say anything. The only other way it’s affected my personal life would be the fact that I spend a lot more time on the computer. But I enjoy it a lot, so it’s a positive affection.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

My take on this is yes, you can fall in love with how someone looks at first sight. I think when you meet a person you kind of get a feeling instantly if you’ll connect with them. I think you can fall in love with multiple people’s personalities. Some people have a very closed vision on love, that they are only allowed to love one person forever. But you can love so many people. Family, friends, husbands, boyfriends, wives, cats. Coffee. I loved coffee at first sight. So I guess I’m a believer.

Finally,where do you imagine yourself in 5 years?

It’s hard to imagine 5 years from now. It’s so far away! Life changes so much in 1 year. But I hope I am in a bigger apartment, making a decent living doing what I love which is fashion. Either photography or modeling would be ideal. Hopefully by then I’ll have visited Hawaii, Sweden, Japan, Australia. We shall see!q