
En designer-nykomling att hålla ögonen på.

Förresten, jag glömde ju nästan! Jag har snackat den nya, lovande designern David Vallance från Edinburgh. Läs den inspirerande intervjun HÄR!

By the way, I almost forgot! I’ve interviewed the upcoming and promising designer David Vallance from Edinburgh. You can read the interview in swedish HERE, or read the original version in english below:

David! Why did you become a designer? I’ve been interested in art from an early age, it was not until my last year of school that I decided what I wanted to do with my qualifications. Always fascinated by fashion and clothing I decided to apply for a course in fashion design at Cardonald College in Glasgow. After the first year it became clear that I could not imagine myself in any other career path and so pushed further on with hopes of studying at Edinburgh College of Art. Once I began the course at ECA it became clear where my interests lay and now I cannot imagine myself in any other career path. Fashion is definitely the industry for me.

Tell me about your current projects! After completing my graduate collection I continue to work on seasonal collections and have recently completed a Spring/ Summer Concept Collection ‘FLUX’ which has just been featured on the website MUUSE. I have begun researching for my Autumn/ Winter collection and have chosen to look into my family heritage ( My Grandmother is Italian, from the Isle of Elba) by studying ‘Italian Village Life’. The focus of colour and texture within the research I have collected is what I want to focus on within my new collection, and in typical style I feel there will be quite a lot of black within it! I am incredibly excited to see the results of the MUUSE Ready To Wear project and can’t believe one of my designs is going to be mass produced!

Describe your Signature Style! I have learned to embrace a more considerate approach to design, trying to predict how my designs will transcend beyond the catwalk for women of all shapes and sizes. I feel this is vital, especially when approaching the design process from a male perspective. It is not just about how I think women should dress, but how they want to dress. When designing I tend to gravitate towards clean and simple silhouettes, so as to compliment the body not detract from it and as mentioned above I like to work with more muted colour palettes. For my graduate collection I put together black, brown, grey and khaki which worked far better than you would initially think!

What are your goals for the future? I feel my main goal is to continue to develop and build on my design style. I will continue to design and hope that one day I will be able to show my collections on the runway at a major fashion week. Preferably New York!

Name three persons  who inspires you? I find designers who follow their own style and ideals to be the most inspiring to me. People like Riccardo Tisci & Christopher Kane who always manage to re-invent what people think of their work whilst style appeal to the people that love their work most. Eva Green is also somewhat of a style muse to me!

Ett fel närmare rätt.

(En liten kik på hur jag såg ut igår, visar er resten senare)

Måndag morgon! Sitter i skolcafeterian och laddar upp inför en ny vecka. Nu blir det nya tag och jag ska lämna kaos och konstigheter bakom mig. På torsdag har jag dessutom ju aussie-eventet att se fram emot! Vem som vunnit tävlingen och får följa med dit avslöjar jag senare idag. Trevlig måndag på er!

(A little sneakpeek at how I looked yesterday, I’ll show you the rest later)

Monday morning! I’m sitting in the school cafeteria and prepering myself mentally for another week. It’s a new start and I’ll leave chaos and strange things behind me. Besides that I have the aussie-event on thursday to look forward to! I’ll reveal who has won the aussie-contest and gets to come too later today. Happy monday guys!

Prat och skratt och kakor

(fler bilder och recept hittar ni på Ultimat-bloggen) Så här såg det alltså ut på mjölkvägen i fredags. Vi åt och pratade och skrattade tills vi hesa, proppmätta och trötta sade hejdå någon gång efter midnatt. Så himla härlig kväll, och vilka fina vänner jag har alltså. I övrigt har den här helgen varit ett enda kaos för mig. Har inte kunnat planera någonting alls och allt som har kunnat gå snett har gjort det. Ibland är det bara så antar jag. Hur har ni det där ute?

(find more pics and recipies at the Ultimat-blog) This is how it looked in our apartment this friday. We ate and talked and laughed until we are hoarse, full and tired sayid goodbye sometime after midnight. Soo nice evening, and I realized what awesome friends I’ve got. Otherwise, this weekend has been a total chaos to me. I’ve not been able to plan anything and everything that could go wrong did. Sometimes it’s just is that way I guess. How are you guys out there?


Grattis Ninnie, som har vunnit detta snygga Iphone-skal! (du kommer att kontaktas via mail inom kort). Och till er som inte vann- ni kan fortfarande delta i tävlingen om ett $80 presentkort och en krage från Romwe HÄR. Trevlig söndag på er!

Congratulations Ninnie, who has won this stunning Iphone case!  And to those of you who didn’t win- you can still participate in the giveaway of a $ 80 gift certificate and a collar from Romwe HERE. Happy Sunday to you!


Såhär såg jag ut igår. Skjorta- Chicwish, brallor- cheap monday, skor-2hand. I övrigt? Har spenderat morgonen med frukost framför sista sagan om ringen-filmen (äntligen har jag sett hela triologin!) och röjt lite efter igår (vi kommer kunna ha tea-party varje dag resten av veckan med alla kakor vi fått nu alltså). Kvällen kommer att spenderas med hungerspelen på bio i gott sällskap. En lagomt soft och oproduktiv lördag med andra ord! Har ni sett hungerspelen? Vad tyckte ni?

This is what I looked like yesterday. Shirt-Chicwish, pants- cheap monday, shoes- 2hand. Toway I’ve spent the morning with breakfast in front of the last lord of the rings-movie (finally, I have seen the whole trilogy!) and cleaned up a bit after yesterday(we will be able to have tea-partys every day the rest of the week with all the cookies we have now, haha). Tonight I’ll go watch The Hunger Games at a cinema with my friends. A nicely soft and unproductive Saturday in other words! Have you seen the hunger games? What did you think?