
Okej. LÄt mig tipsa om tre utmÀrkta söndags-grejer. Till exempel melon-glass! Sjukaste life-savern nu nÀr det Àr sÄ orimligt varmt ute och vattenmelonen dessutom Àr sÄ himla himla billig. SkÀr bara upp den i lagom stora bitar, stick in pinnar och slÀng in i frysen.

Okay. Let me tell you about three excellent Sunday things. For example, melon ice pops! The ultimate life saver now when it’s so unreasonably hot outside and the watermelon is so cheap in stores. Just cut it into pieces, insert sticks and put them in the freezer for a while.

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Skärmklipp 2016-07-23 17.33.16

Filmen Demolition med Jake Gyllenhaal. SÄg den pÄ en utomhusbio (för övrigt ocksÄ ett vÀldigt bra söndagstips) med Jose förra veckan, sÄ himla himla bra. Verkligen sorglig, rolig, relaterbar och smart pÄ samma gÄng. Seeeeeee den!

The movie “Demolition” with Jake Gyllenhaal. I watched it on an open-air cinema also a very good Sunday activity) with Jose last week and it really moved me. It’s so sad, funny, relatable and smart at the same time. Waaatch it!


Boken “Universum i din hand”. Det hĂ€r Ă€r den första boken jag faktiskt lyckats lĂ€sa ut i Ă„r (eller ja, lyssna ut). Älskar ju rymden, och detta Ă€r en perfekt blandning av faktabok och roman-ish. Efter varje nytt kapitel lĂ€r man sig massor av mindfuckande fakta att imponera pĂ„ vĂ€nner med, visste ni till exempel att alla punkter i universum Ă€r mitten pĂ„ universum, eller att alla partiklar som finns fötts i hjĂ€rtat av en stjĂ€rna? Fett spĂ€nnande sommarlĂ€sning om man Ă€r less pĂ„ trĂ„kiga deckare.

The book “The Universe in your hand.” This is the first book I actually managed to read from beginning to end this year. I’m just very interested in space, and this is a perfect mix of fact book and novel. After each new chapter, you learn lots of mindfucking facts to impress friends, for example: did you know that all points in the universe is the center of the universe? Or that all particles are born in the heart of a star? Super exciting summer reading if you are tired of boring crime novels.





Yo kompisar! I samarbete med Wella har jag fÄtt uppdraget att recensera deras nya oil reflections collection. NÄgot som passar mig utmÀrkt dÄ mitt hÄr definitivt Àr i behov av att Äterfuktas efter alla blekningar och silverschampo-behandlingar jag utsatt det för det senaste Äret.
Denna serie har tagits fram som en förlÀngning av Wellas Luxe Oil, som ni sedan tidigare vet att jag Àr ett fan av. Produkterna innehÄller till exempel macadamia-olja, avocado-olja och extrakt frÄn vitt te. Jag har anvÀnt detta kit i drygt en vecka och so far Àr jag supernöjd, lÀmnade hÄrinpackningen i hÄret i ett par timmar igÄrkvÀll och vaknade upp med superglansigt hÄr idag. Det bÀsta med dessa produkter Àr att de Àr sÄ pass billiga att det inte behöver vara en sÄ stor investering att köpa hem dem. Vanligtvis tycker jag att bra fuktighetsgivande hÄrprodukter kan dra ivÀg rejÀlt pris-mÀssigt. Har ni frÄgor Àr det bara att hojta!
HÄR kan ni lĂ€sa mer om produkterna, samt lokalisera köpstĂ€llen. PUSS!

Yo guys! In collaboration with Wella I have been asked to review their new oil reflections collection. Of course I said yes- that suits me perfectly as my hair definitely is thirsting for moisture and shine after all the bleaching and silver shampoo treatments I exposed it for the past year.
This series has been developed as an extension of the Wella Luxe Oil, as you already know I’m a big fan of (remember?). The products contain a lot of nice stuff; everything from macadamia oil and avocado oil to extracts of white tea. I’ve used this kit in just over a week now and so far I am super happy with it, I left the hair mask in the hair for a few hours last night and woke up with super shiny hair today. The best thing about these products is that they are so affordable that it’s not really an investment to buy them, still they have that special saloon feeling. I usually find that good moisturizing haircare products are pretty overpriced, so these ones are a great option.
Read more about the products and where to get them HERE . xx


Vet ni vad? Jag har sett en hel massa film pÄ sistone! NÀstan alla filmer jag sett har bearbetat Àmnet relationer, inte för att jag medvetet valt det men antagligen för att jag tÀnkt sÄ mycket pÄ just relationer pÄ sistone. HÀr Àr tre helt olika men mycket bra filmer som alla har gett mig nya vinklar och insikter kring Àmnet. Anteckna titlarna och lova mig att ta fram dem en regnig dag eller kanske en chill bakissöndag som denna?

You know what? I’ve watched a whole lot of movies lately! Almost all them have processed the subject “relationships”, not that I deliberately chose it, but probably since I’ve been thinking so much about relationships lately. Here are three very different but very good movies that has given me new perspectives and insights on the subject. Write down the titles and promise me to watch them on a rainy day or maybe a chill hangover Sunday like today?


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Pagie and Sasha are best friends. They do everything together, and when they’re not physically together watching top model, making sarcastic jokes about everyone and everything or drinking wine, they’re on the phone with each other. Even though they both agree it’s impossible to find a person that’s better than (or at least as good as) each other, they both half heartedly date guys (Pagie) and girls (Sasha). One day Pagie meets Tim (Adam Brody) and everything changes; Sasha isn’t Pagies number one anymore. This movie is about female friendship, jealousness and the struggle of growing up when all you want to do is eat mozzarella sticks, get drunk and just ignore stuff like responsibilities and boring work.

“Sasha: “I guess I should have known that as soon as you found someone else to couple up with that you’d be done with me!”
Paige: “Yes, I’m less available to you now than I was when there was no one in my life.”
Sasha: “You still talk to someone at two in the morning. Nothing changed for you. It just changed for me. Can you acknowledge that, please?”

I really really loved this movie, I relate to exactly everything Sasha and Pagie are going through.

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This is a super bizarre yet brilliant drama comedy about David, who just got dumped by his wife. David lives in a society where all singles are forced to check in at a hotel where they have 45 days to find a new partner or else they will be turned into an animal (free of choice, David would like to become a lobster). Outside the hotel there’s a rebel group of loners who lives together in the forest.
This movie is a obvious satire of the society’s obsession of coupledom, and the fear of loneliness.

“Hotel Manager: Now the fact that you will turn into an animal if you fail to fall in love with someone during your stay here is not something that should upset you or get you down. Just think, as an animal you’ll have a second chance to find a companion. But, even then, you must be careful; you need to choose a companion that is a similar type of animal to you. A wolf and a penguin could never live together, nor could a camel and a hippopotamus. That would be absurd.”

This is an extremely beautiful movie with really dark humor that made me think. A lot. I really liked the bizarre atmosphere.

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I watched this movie since I helped promoting it before the premiere this spring. It’s a colorful, funny but very predicable movie about being single. Alice takes a break from her boring high school boyfriend to live and work in New York. She meets Robin, a crazy slightly alcoholic co-worker who helps her unleash and discover herself- and a bunch of one night stands.

“Robin: In every male-female friendship, there’s a total number of drinks and if you hit that, it means you will definitely have sex.
Alice: If I had more than five drinks, I would hook up with you.
Robin: My drink number is 27. I wouldn’t even touch myself on less than 24. “

This movie is a typical romcom, it’s stereotypical and predictable. The characters are boring; the shy quirky main character, the chubby crazy friend, the beautiful “grown-up” sister. We’ve seen it before. Still it’s very funny and at times very relatable and insightful. Actually kind of inspiring (I also got very inspired by Alice’s clothes). But be prepared at lame gender stereotypes!

Do you have any movie tips?







Yo! Jag Àr tillbaka i Göteborg och vÀdergudarna skÀmmer bort mig med sol och sommarvÀrme. Jag Àlskar att Àntligen kunna anvÀnda mina shorts och klÀnningar igen, men ibland Àr det svÄrt att göra det utan att se lite för semesterchill ut, om ni fattar vad jag menar. DÄ gillar jag att addera detaljer som tillexempel denna stiliga klocka som piffar upp kÀnslan lite.
Ni som följer mig pÄ instagram vet sÀkert redan att jag Àr CLUSE watches nya ambassadör. KÀnns sÄ himla kul att fÄ samarbeta pÄ long term med ett företag jag verkligen gillar. Ska bli sÄ kul att fÄ visa deras fina produkter för er! Vet att ni kommer Àlska dem!

Hey guys! I’m back in Gothenburg and the weather gods are spoiling me with sun sun sun these days. I just love being able to wear short skirts and tank tops again- but sometime it’s hard to make a summer-ish outfit like this not look too down dressed. My best tip for avoiding this is to add a stylish watch! Right now, I’m in love with this one by CLUSE – classy black with gold details. They just launched a new collection of 8 stylish models but this one (it’s called La BohĂšme) turned out to be my absolute favorite as you can combine it in so many different ways.
The ones of you who are following me on Instagram probably already know that I’m the new ambassador of CLUSE watches, but I want to write it here too. Hurray! It’s so much fun partnering up with companies you really like, I just can’t wait to introduce you guys to their products. I know you’ll love them.


Lacoste Pour Elle- Natural, Sparkling, Elegant



Hej vÀnner! Minns ni plÄtningen jag gjorde med Lacoste i somras? Det Àr Àntligen dags att visa upp resultatet och berÀtta lite om samarbetet! (haha, projekt med större mÀrken kan verkligen ta sin tid att utvecklas frÄn produktion till produkt, det Àr sÄ himla mÄnga mellanhÀnder inblandade)
Hela samarbetet handlar om lanseringen av EAU DE LACOSTE L.12.12 Pour Elle fragrance collection, en parfymkollektion inspirerad av den klassiska lacoste-tenniskjolen som i decennier gett kvinnliga tennisspelare frihet och sjÀlvförtroende. Tre dofter ingÄr i parfymkollektionen; Natural, Elegant och Sparkling. Jag har parats ihop med Natural-doften, som passar mig absolut bÀst i bÄde smak och livsstil. Ni vet alla hur viktigt jag tycker det Àr att hÄlla fötterna pÄ jorden och att hÄlla sig i kontakt med naturen. Men mer om det senare!
De kommande veckorna kommer jag publicera alla bilder frÄn plÄtningen och berÀtta mer om samarbetet! Staaay tuned kompisar!

Hi friends! Do you remember the shoot I did with Lacoste last summer? It’s finally time to show results and tell us about cooperation! (Haha, projects with big brands like this really takes time, it’s important that everything is perfect)

This cooperation is about the launch of the EAU DE LACOSTE L.12.12 Pour Elle fragrance collection, a perfume collection inspired by the classic Lacoste tennis skirt which for decades has been giving female tennis players the freedom and allowed them to be their true selves- sparkling, natural and elegant. That’s actually also what the three fragrances of the collection are called: Natural, Elegant and Sparkling. The Natural fragrance is a perfect match for me in both taste and lifestyle. You all know how important I think it is to keep the feet on the ground and stay connected to the nature. But more about that later! The coming weeks I will publish all the pictures from the shoot and tell us more about the heritage! Cant wait!

