Topp- Motel Rocks, shorts och jacka- 2hand, Dr. Martens- Sarenza.

Precis när skolan trappas av, vädret blir bättre och schemat fylls av roliga grillkvällar, picknickar och altanhäng så drabbas jag av en dunderförkylning. I vanlig ordning alltså. På ett fascinerande sätt lyckas jag alltid bli sjuk i lagom tid till helger, födelsedagar och utlandsresor. Så himla smidigt. Hoppas ni är piggare än mig idag!

Top –Motel Rocks, shorts and jacket-2hand, shoes- Sarenza.

Just when the school starts to end, the weather improves and the schedule is filled with fun barbecues, picnics and patio hanging so I get a cold. As usual. In a fascinating way, I always get sick just in time for holidays, birthdays and trips abroad. What a timing. I hope you are feeling better than I do today!

10 responses to “BLÅBÄRSGLASS

  1. Danai says:

    Great outfit! Love the top! 🙂

  2. sara says:

    Love the pattern with the ice creams.
    take care of yourself.

  3. Vectoria says:

    That shirt is adorable!

  4. Tanja says:

    I’m so with you, Ebba 🙁 Today was the last day of my semester and I couldn’t do it to my last exam because I’m sick. And I’ll also miss the party tonight. It’s really bad 🙁
    Get well, soon!

  5. Eva says:

    That blouse is so cute and nice combination with your new Martens 😉

  6. Hayley says:

    Great shirt! its awesome, love the shape of the shorts aswell 🙂 you look beautiful

    Hayley xx

  7. Angie says:

    I enter the club 🙁 hope it will be over soon!
    but you look really pretty – as always :))
    kisses from meeresgrund

  8. kristin says:

    Your hair is so beautiful!

  9. Hug says:

    I love this ice cream top!
    soooo sweet!

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