Randoms from last time I visited Berlin, earlier this spring.


Whoop! Nu hoppar jag på planet till Berlin! Det är verkligen en av de städer jag besökt som jag trivs allra bäst i. Trevliga människor, snygg streetart, ett fett veganutbud och grymma vintagebutiker. Till skillnad från i våras åker jag dock själv den här gången och stannar bara i ett par nätter, huvudsyftet med min resa är egentligen ett event som det gulliga klädmärket Mint and Berry håller i. Men jag ska såklart passa på att njuta av staden under min lediga tid också!


Whoop! Now I’m off to Berlin! Berlin really is one of the cities I visited that I feel the most comfortable in. Nice people, nice streetart, much vegan food and awesome vintage shops. This time (unlike my last visit in Berlin) I’ll go myself and only stay two nights, the main purpose of my trip is actually an event for the lovely fashion brand Mint and Berry. But of course I’ll take the opportunity to enjoy the city during my free time too!

4 responses to “BACK TO BERLIN

  1. myhrans says:

    Åh ha så himla roligt!

  2. Niki says:

    Have fun!

  3. Elly says:

    I’m glad you like Berlin. Well, i dont live in berlin but in germany, so its nice to hear your opinion:) and i love mint and berry. i think you will have a lot of fun! enjoy your (second) trip!

  4. Lyanne says:

    Dear Ebba,

    I’m going to Berlin in the begin of august. I was wondering if you can give me the name of a few cool vintage stores you visited?
    And do you know some other place which I should visit?

    I’m looking forward to your answer!


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