Top- Julja, boots- Sarenza, earring- Suzyswan Deluxe, skirt- choies.


Att ha snedlugg som täckte mitt röda öga var väldigt smidigt då jag hade ögoninflammation, hehe. 

Idag är jag lite bitter, någon stal min telefon på dansgolvet på krogen igår så istället för att ta det lugnt och promenera med hundarna måste jag ägna dagen åt att skaffa en ny. Bu! Nu får jag i alla fall en anledning att skaffa en 5S, hehe. Kram på er!


Letting my hair cover my red eye was very convenient last weekend, when I still had an inflammation in my eye. But I’m better now!
Today I’m a little mad, someone stole my phone on the dance floor at a bar yesterday so instead of taking it easy and walk in the forest with the dogs, I have to spend the day getting a new one. Boo! Now I get a reason to get an iPhone 5S, hehe. Hugs!

9 responses to “AS SIMPLE AS THAT

  1. cilla says:

    waa alltid lika snygg

  2. myhrans says:

    Gud så fin!!!

  3. Marie says:

    Have you cut your hair a bit ?
    You look very pretty in these clothes I love them!

  4. Daphne K says:

    Beautiful monochromatic oufti!


  5. vampphoto says:

    sockersöt och en himla fin stil!

  6. Jeline says:

    I’m in love with your top! Sucks to hear about your phone being stolen. It’s the worst but at least you got a 5s now! What colour did you get? :p I got the gold one and it’s amaziiing

  7. Grace says:

    Ebba you are beautiful, stunning look as usual
    ps: I did vote on you
    Good luck ♥
    XOXO from Brazil

  8. ebbaimv says:

    Så fint!

  9. amanda says:

    så snyggt

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