[videofyme id=”939005″ width=”800″ height=”512″]

Jag slutade lite tidigare igår så jag passade på att göra en helt spontan video från min lägenhet. Även om den är pytteliten trivs jag så himla bra, den ligger nära centrum och älven. Jag är inte direkt någon stilren inredare som ni ser, jag gillar färger och mönster som piggar upp och gör en på bra humör! Lamporna är förresten mina senaste favoriter och kommer från Paccony.

I got to go home from school a little earlier yesterday so I took the opportunity to make a quick video from my apartment. Although it’s tiny I’m so comfortable with it, it’s really close to the city centre and nearby the river. I’m not so much for stylish and classy interior, I like colors and patterns that cheers you up and makes you happy! The lamps are my latest addidtions (from paccony.com). Like it?

29 responses to “A TOUR IN MY APARTMENT!

  1. Lyudmyla says:

    I couldn’t even imagine that such small apartments exist) But looks pretty cozy )) And those nice rosy tiles, they are veeeery cute))

  2. Annemette says:

    Hi Ebba!

    Your apartment looks really nice. I just LOVE the world map from your mom! Do you know where you can get one?


  3. Michelle Lee says:

    cool vid 🙂

  4. Ctina says:

    älskar ditt överkast! så gulligt :))

  5. may says:

    Wow, it’s really tiny, haha. Doesn’t even have a shower. I love the way you speak swedish. Wish i could do it just the same. Wish i could just speak swedish:) But it seems so difficult.

  6. Hanne says:

    I’m so glad you did it in Swedish 🙂 I’m always so surprised of how your voice sounds, haha.

  7. katy vess says:

    so cute 🙂 love it!


  8. Aaa says:

    what is the title of the song?;)

  9. Noora says:

    Oh, I love your accents and your voice överallt! In our Swedish book the reader sounds _so_ creepy :–D You should do more videos or stuff so I’d get some inspiration to my studies… It’s one difficult language indeed, I’m going crazy with it. Especially with those f*cking nouns………… Okay, I’m on holidays now. And I stop complaining about my studies in your comment box. Sorry!

  10. L. says:

    Just wondering where you keep your bunches of cloths? 😉

  11. Maja says:

    Love your space – it’s tiny, but creative and ALL yours ;]
    Awesome map, too!

  12. Dickson says:

    You speak real good English! And your room is so small but YOU!

  13. klarka says:

    omg, youre so cute!

  14. Hanne says:

    Doves – There Goes the Fear 🙂

  15. Hanne says:

    Jag undrade bara: har du ingen spis?

  16. wirag says:

    Ebba, you are the nicest thing.:)

  17. Anna says:

    Hej Ebba,

    jag undrar vad typsnittet du använde på “My apartment” heter? Ser att det är samma som på affischen för en av Midgårds teaterpjäser som sattes upp nyss.


  18. Lisa says:


  19. Gaby Fuentes says:

    So lovely!!!! love your little apartament!


  20. Dasha says:

    it’s a wonderful and cozy apartment!
    I really like.I rejoice when you record video)

  21. Ola says:

    Telling the truth, I’m little confusing about your moving to apartaments! haha You used to live with your parents, friends and your sister and now you are glad about living on your own? I’m sorry for being such curious, but I’m moving to my own new apartament next month 🙂

  22. Adorate says:

    That is the cutest apartment! You’re so lucky to be living in your own place. x

  23. steve says:

    why don’t you live with your family???

  24. Anna says:

    I always like it when you make videos, it’s so different to hear your voice but I really like the sound of it and how swedish sound, too, even if I don’t understand it 🙂 and your apartement is really nice, I wish that I can have one like yours in the future
    greetings from germany, anna 🙂

  25. Maps International says:

    Hi Ebba,

    Your blog looks great. Thanks a lot for the mention! If you’d be interested in reviewing / showcasing any of our products in the future then please get in contact.

    Many Thanks,

    Matt Thomason
    Maps International

  26. Leah says:

    How do you afford an apartment so young ? Id love to move out xx

  27. Tra Mi says:

    haha you’re so cute. (I would never imagine your voice as such)


  28. Hayley says:

    cute apartment! I love your own homely touches you have put to it 😀

    Hayley xx

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