
Any skin care tips for fair skin for upcoming summer season?

– Always use both face cream and foundation with spf! If you want to look tanned, just use bronzer instead, and save your light and sensitive skin from nasty sunburn.


Do you have an ultimate tip in terms of beauty for our readers?

-Ask yourself why you use make up: never use make up to cover yourself in any way, just to enhance your favorite parts or as a creative expression! Remember that make up should be fun and creative, not some kind of shield or mask that covers up who you actually are.


Your eyebrows are great counter part to your light hair. How do you style your eyebrows and what products do you use?

– I recently started going to the benifit brow bar to let them color and wax my brows. They never make me disappointed, and it feels good to treat myself with that once in a while (though it hurts soo much since I have so much hair hahaha).


Read the full interview HERE

Swoosh! Nu hoppar jag på planet hem till Berlin igen. Eller hem och hem egentligen, det är verkligen ett flytande begrepp för mig just nu. Jag har ju flera hem. Hur som helst! Medan jag flyger och har mig tänkte jag tipsa om att jag nyss gjort en intervju med sminkbutiken Douglas. Jag berättar om mina favoritprodukter, hudvårdsrutiner, att undvika gulblonda toner i håret och mycket mer. Intervjun är på tyska men den går jättebra att översätta med google translate till engelska om man är sugen på att läsa. Plockade ut några citat åt er här ovan! Nu måste jag rulla iväg med min enorma väska. Puss!

Swoosh! It’s time to get on the plane back home to Berlin again. Or I don’t know if “home” is the right word anymore, that’s really is a fluid concept for me right now. I have a several homes. Anyway! While I’m flying, I thought I could tell you about the interview I did with the makeup store Douglas the other week. I’m talking about my favorite products, skin care routines, how I avoid yellow hair and much more. The interview is in German, but it’s easy to translate to english with Google Translate. I picked out some quotes for you above!
Now I have to roll against the airport with my huge bag. Kisses!


  1. Great tips! 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!

    Photography & Fashion Blog,


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