

Två snapshots från tidigare idag. Ska visa alla bilder från denna plåtning senare, men var bara tvungen att slänga upp dessa två på bloggen direkt pga blev så fruktansvärt kär i dessa Marc Jacobs-brillor. Känner mig som en himla superstar i dem!

Har plåtat hela dagen idag. Jobbar stenhårt ända in i mål nu, imorgon är nämligen resans sista jobbdag och sedan är har jag några (nästan) helt lediga dagar här på Bali. Heaven! Är det någon av er som har tips på vad jag borde hitta på då? Något man inte får missa häromkring?
Har så himla mycket material åt er nu förresten. Blir så inspirerad av alla fruktansvärt vackra miljöer. Pusss!


Two snapshots from earlier today. Will show all the pictures from this shoot later, but I just had to post these two on the blog instantly because I fell so terribly deep in love with these Marc Jacobs glasses. I feel like a superstar in them!

I’ve spent the day shooting constantly. I’m really focused on keeping myself focused on work til the end now, tomorrow is the last working day of this trip and then I’ll have some (almost) free days here in Bali. Hallelujah! Does any of you have suggestions of what I should do during my free time? SomethingI cust can’t miss around here?
I have soo much material for you now by the way. I get so inspired by all terribly beautiful environments! xx

4 responses to “EASY

  1. Beata says:

    du är så jävla snygg ebba, så cool

  2. Daniel says:

    Love this outfit!!! x

    Instagram: danielpoonvignez

  3. Bethany says:

    The Elephant Safari Park in Taro is a great place to visit, they rescue mistreated elephants, and take care of those who can’t be returned to the wild, focusing on conservation, education and protection. Bali has the most amazing food, and there’s plenty of great places to eat, depending on where you are. Ubud is my favourite for food – Bridges restaurant has quite possibly the best food I’ve ever eaten with the most amazing view, it’s set on a cliffside looking over a river and is breathtaking. The Terracotta restaurant at the Kenanga Hotel in Ubud is also spectacular, the food is great and it’s set looking over the rice paddies, which are also nice to walk through. My other favourites in Ubud are Nomads (the deep fried banana cinnamon spring rolls are to die for) and Putu’s Wild Ginger, which has the best traditional indonesion food you will ever eat, as well as great service. Ubud definitely has the best food, although I also really like Cafe Bali in Seminyak – the food is great (you must try the chocolate pudding if you’re a fan of chocolate!) and the interior is really cool. If you’re into doing something a bit more active, white water rafting is super fun (I normally do it through Bali Adventure Tours, who also let you combine that with a trip to the elephant park), and a day at Waterbom (the water park) is always a fun one. In terms of shopping, there are always great finds in the markets if you’re prepared to look around (Ubud definitely has the best markets in Bali that I’ve visited – they’re the least touristy and much more traditional), the Beachwalk shopping centre is very pretty and you can get some great finds in more western shops, and the Shakuhachi boutiques in Oberoi and Seminyak are great, I’ve found many amazing pieces there. Enjoy your time in Bali, it’s an amazing place!

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