2016- MY GOALS

(Hoppas ni fick en fin kväll igår! Ligger just nu och netflix-och-bästis-gosar i Sirpans säng. Bra start på året.)

Inspirerad av fellow bloggare har jag skippat nyårslöftena i år. Det är så lätt att ett nyårslöfte bara resulterar i mer press och förväntningar. Däremot tror jag att jag är i stort behov av tydliga mål, vare sig det handlar om jobb eller privatliv. Jag vill ha några tydliga punkter att sikta mot, även om jag inte nödvändigtvis kommer nå ända fram. Här är mina mål 2016:

– Fly den europeiska vintern ett tag.
– Bli kvitt min extrema FOMO.
– Utvidga mitt kompisgäng i Berlin.
– Vara utomhus varje dag.
– Åka på minst en lång, helst flera, vandringar.
– Lägga mer tid på att hålla kontakten familj och nära vänner.
– Ge mig själv mer fritid, ha en jobbfri dag i veckan.
– Vara snäll mot mig själv och andra (klyschigt men sant).
– Tänka POSITIVT. Vara tacksam istället för orolig (klyscha nummer två).
– Hänga mycket i götet.
– Bli kung på google analythics och vara mer strategisk i sociala medier (nå 200k på instagram).
– Gå på Into The Valley.
– Bli dagmatte eller hundvakt.
– Vårda relationen till mina fina fina läsare <3
– Börja träna då och då igen.
– Teckna och pyssla mer.
– Göra mitt allra bästa i jobbet, och vara nöjd med det.
– Knyta kontakt med fler fotografer i Berlin.
– Tatuera mig.
– Läsa böcker.

Vad har ni för mål i år?



(Hope you had a nice evening yesterday! Atm I’m in Siri’s bed chillin and netflixin’ wit my best friends. A very good start to the year.)
I skipped the New Year resolutions this year. It’s so easy that a New Year’s resolution just results in more pressure and expectations on yourself. However, I believe that I really need some clear goals, whether it’s about work or personal life. I want a point to aim for, even if I necessarily won’t reach all the way. Here are my goals in 2016:

– Escape the European winter for a while.
– Get rid of my extreme FOMO.
– Extend my group of friends in Berlin.
– Be outdoors every day.
– Going on at least one long, preferably many, hiking trip.
– Spend more time staying in touch family and close friends.
– Give myself at least one hour of work-free day a week..
– Be kind to myself and others (cliché but true).
– Think positive. Be grateful instead of worried (cliche number two).
– Hang out in Gothenburg a lot.
– Become a master of Google Analythics and become more strategic in social media (reach 200k on instagram).
– Go on the Into The Valley festival.
– Be a pet sitter now and then to.
– Strengthen my relationship to all of my amazing followers.
– Start working out now and then again.
– Draw more.
– Do my very best in my work, and be happy with that.
– Network with more photographers in Berlin.
– Get another tattoo.
– Read books.

What are your goals this year?

4 responses to “2016- MY GOALS

  1. Hannah says:

    Adore this! Great goals x


  2. Maica says:

    Happy new year Ebba! I’m an amateur photographer from Argentina, moving to Copenhaguen next year. Looking forward to meet you one day.
    My main goal for this year: live the european winter hahaha

    Greetings from the other side of the world!

  3. larissa says:

    if u are interested in – she’s an amazing photographer based in berlin.
    most of her photos are about surrealistic moments and the dreamy world of her mind and from time to time she is looking for people how are interested to work with her

  4. Darren Alff says:

    Hey Ebba,

    I like your goals to be outdoors every day, go on some long hiking trips and start working out more. Have you ever considered a bike trip? It’s a lot like hiking, except that on a bike tour you carry all your belongings on your bicycle – instead of on your back. You’re going to think I’m crazy, but maybe you’d be interested – I have a free travel opportunity for you in Norway this summer. Please check your personal gmail. I’ll message you soon with all the details.

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