BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 26: Ebba Zingmark wearing pink pants and black cropped tee from MAX&Co, pink choker from ASOS, black Nike sneakers on July 26, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Ebba Zingmark

BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 26: Ebba Zingmark wearing pink pants and black cropped tee from MAX&Co, pink choker from ASOS, black Nike sneakers on July 26, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Ebba Zingmark

BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 26: Ebba Zingmark wearing pink pants and black cropped tee from MAX&Co, pink choker from ASOS on July 26, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Ebba Zingmark

BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 26: Ebba Zingmark wearing pink pants and black cropped tee from MAX&Co, pink choker from ASOS, black Nike sneakers on July 26, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Christian Vierig/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Ebba Zingmark

Wearing pink pants and black cropped tee from MAX&Co, pink choker from ASOS, black Nike sneakers.

Dag två av studentlivet är redan avklarad?? Det är så mycket nya intryck att jag allra helst skulle vilja springa ut och sätta mig på en sten i slottsskogen och bara stirra ut i luften och smälta alla intryck i några timmar, haha.
Istället ska jag hem och pusta ut lite innan jag ska möta upp gbg-vänner för lite födelsedagsfirande och catching up. Ganska bra för själen det med. Hur jag ska få livspusslet att gå ihop med skola 9-16, jobb, vänner och träning är fortfarande en gåta utan svar.

I cant believe day two as a student is already finished? I have so so many new impressions that I just wanna run out to the forest and sit down at a rock and just stare out into the air and digest all the new impressions in a few hours, haha.
Instead, I’m going home to relax for a bit before I’ll meet up my beloved gbg friends for a little birthday celebration and catching up. That’s a pretty good way to spend the rest of the day too.
How I’ll manage to get my life work with 9-16 school, job, friends and workouts are still a question without an answer.

2 responses to “YOU WOULDN’T KNOW

  1. Lucie says:

    Love those pants! And this top is really cute!
    Lucie, xx

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