100 000!!



Igår upptäckte jag att min Lookbook-användare har nått 100 000 fans. HUR GALET är inte det?! Det är så ogreppbart många människor. Nästan lika många människor som bor i hela Umeå (haha)! Ni ska veta hur mycket jag uppskattar era peppande kommentarer, mail och hypes/likes. Tusen, tusen, tusen tack! Nu kommer jag tralla runt i skolan med ett fett flin i ansiktet hela dagen. PUSS!


Yesterday I discovered that my Lookbook user have reached 100,000 fans. HOW CRAZY isn’t that? It’s incredibly many people. Almost as many people as there are living in entire Umeå (haha)! I hope all of you know how much I appreciate your encouraging comments, email and hypes/likes. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Now I’ll walk around in school with a wide smile on my face all day long. PUSS!

3 responses to “100 000!!

  1. Jeline says:

    That’s amazing! Congrats Ebba! 🙂


  2. Tra Mi says:

    Congrats! You deserve times more followers than that. I wanna ask you how your schoolmates treat you. Do they encourage you, hate you, act like crazy fans or whatever, anything different in their ways of talking since you’re popular.

  3. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Tra Mi:
    Thank you so much!! Haha, nah, they treat me like everyone else! Just because I work as a blogger doesn’t mean I’m different than other girls in my age 😉

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