What’s your opinion?

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Dags att diskutera lite i-landsproblem. Just nu är jag nämligen sjukt velig vad gäller mitt hår, har alltid velat klippa kort men samtidigt älskar jag alla stylingmöjligheter man får när det är långt. Dessutom är jag råsugen på att prova på lugg också. Jag har tre alternativ: 1. klippa en page som slutar någonstans ovanför axlarna. 2. spara ut håret för att det ska bli lika långt, friskt och tjockt som det var för två år sedan (minns ni?). 3. klippa lugg. Eller varför inte lugg och page? Hjälp mig nu vänner, är så sjukt velig! Vad tycker ni?


Right now I’m really indecisive when it comes to my hair, I’ve always wanted try a short hairstyle but I love all the styling possibilities you get when it’s long. Also, I think I want to try out bangs too. I have three options: 1. cut a page that ends somewhere above the shoulders. 2: Let my hair grow until it’s as long, healthy and thick as it was two years ago (remember?). 3: Get bangs. Or why not bangs and page? Help me out guys, what do you think I should do?

35 responses to “What’s your opinion?

  1. Cilia says:

    I lately risked and I cut my hair to my shoulders. I was a little afraid of the effect, but I refreshed my image and fell in love with the new length! 🙂 So, don’t be afraid and if you want a change – do it!

  2. shindy says:

    the hair with fringe(longer one) 🙂

  3. Adam says:

    I just love your long hair and I think you should keep them 😉 but as they say in my country: “a beautiful person will look beautiful in everything” 😉

  4. Paula says:

    The picture on the bottom left is just the way I let it cut two days ago. My Hair was just as long as yours is right now before (though brown, not red) an so it was quite a a change the first time I washed and styled it myself at home. But it is so good now – I am so happy I did it, because it just suits me really good and shows that I am able to change, and change is always fun and good!

    So go for whatever you want to, I personally think the haircut on the top, left side is quite cool too, but maybe you could start with the bottom left one at first?
    I am excited to see your new self!

  5. Roberta says:

    You have one picture on lookbook from long time ago where you’ve put your hair in your shirt so it looks short and I think it looked awesome 😀
    So,I think you should cut it so it touches your shoulders but NOOOO bangs,you’ll look younger and I think you’re better off without them.

  6. Roberta says:

    Here’s the picture: http://cdn2.lbstatic.nu/files/looks/large/2012/09/25/2534868_lookbook.jpg?1348583653

    Anyhow,about the bangs,you don’t have high forehead like girls in the pictures so it wouldn’t look as good.

  7. elo sophie says:

    I think all these hairstyles are becoming to you!
    I often think, “Why not cut your hair? Why not try out a new hairstyle?”. I like short hair (to the shoulder or to the chin)! Especially in the summer! It feels so much lighter. But every time I cut my hair short again, I have regretted it.
    Long hair is so wonderful. You can do so much with them.
    I think your hair is perfect the way it is!
    But if you think you will not regret it (if you would cut it short), why not try something new?
    Whatever you choose, it will look great! Don’t worry 🙂

  8. Nelly says:

    Du är sjukt fin i långt hår så det tycker jag inte att du ska ändra på men om du vill se en förändring så skaffa lugg! Det tror jag skulle passa dig utmärkt!

  9. myhrans says:

    Tror du kommer bli jättesnygg vad du än väljer! Men om du är sugen på en förändring kanske det kan var kul med lugg, tror det skulle passa dig superbra 🙂

  10. Hanne says:

    I think it’s nice to try out something new! If I were you, I’d go for half long hair with bangs and then later you can cut it even shorter. That way, you can try them both out (the other way around would take longer, because then you’d have to wait until your hair is long enough again). But I do have to warn you, because it takes forever to let your hair grow again if you’ve got bangs. I had bangs for a few years, and one and a half year ago, I finally decided that I wanted to get rid of them (because my hair is really thin and it’s hard to style bangs). After one and a half year, I can now finally put my bangs behind my ears properly. But don’t let that keep you from trying out something new if you really want to! 🙂

    Also, I tried to send you an e-mail about the giveaway, but apparently the e-mail address you gave we didn’t work. Are you sure you gave my the right one? (My e-mail address is hannewillekens [at] hotmail.com ).

  11. Johanna Catubig Melander says:

    Börja med lugg! Och klipp page när du vågar mer och tröttnat på bara lugg! 🙂

  12. Mae says:

    If you cut it you’re totally gay.

  13. Marta says:

    Nooo Ebba dont do it! Dont cut your beautiful hair! Try bangs but leave the lenght 🙂 kisses
    Marta ( italy )

  14. JJ says:

    I cut my hair really short a couple of years ago, and now it is like half-neck length. I think you’d look great both with short or long hair, but you have to be 100% sure if you want to cut them, otherwise you’ll be regretting it for so long after you did! Moreover, don’t worry about ‘hair-health’: after cutting it short, my hair got a lot more strengthen than it has ever been!
    PS I find bangs annoying as hell, but they would probably look good on you 🙂

  15. Niki says:

    Do bangs! Bangs are fun 🙂
    I’m sure you’ll look awesome no matter what though!


  16. Rafaela Michels says:

    remember: hair grows! if you want to try a short cut, try it! you’re beautiful anyway

  17. Dilan says:

    Satsa på lugg! Fast egentligen spelar det ingen roll vad du gör, du är ändå dösnygg.

  18. Diana says:

    You look gorgeous with long hair but I think you should try whatever you want. Try both, bangs and page! Your hair will grow anyway 🙂

  19. marjolein says:

    Du kommer vara snygg vad du än gör, men skulle vara spännande att se dig i lugg och en lite längre page 🙂

  20. Mayflower says:

    I actually like your hair as it is, but I totally understand the feeling of wanting to try something new. But personally, I thing just growing your hair out would be the option that suits you best.

    But, when it comes to bangs, I would recommend that you try it out first. Not just hold your hair up, probably the best thing you can do is make your own fake bangs (I’ve linked a how-to video in the end).
    And if you just want to try it a know you are going to grow it out (like I did). It’s a good idea to not make it too broad or thick, because then it blends easyer into your hair and takes less time to grow out.
    Lastly, just wanted to mention that if you cut them yourself, make sure you cut some cm longer than you want them to be. I hade that mistake, haha.


  21. martina says:

    tycker du ska låta det växa, eller våga på dig en lugg 🙂
    är avundsjuk på ditt långa hår så låt det vara klart!

  22. martina says:

    kan inte formulera mig..
    “våga dig på en lugg”
    “låt det vara långt”

    så ska det stå 🙂

  23. Capricorn says:

    You’ve had long hair for so long, I recently changed my hair from long and blond to short and red, and Im so happy with the change,you feel completely different and refreshed. I say go short with bangs, got to try everything at least once!

  24. Chanette Andersson says:

    hade jag varit dig hade jag
    1. börjat med att klippa en läcker lugg o behålla hårets längd.
    se hur det känns..
    2. ev klippa paget om du känner dig redo för det

  25. Lara says:

    Shoulder lenght! I’ve just cut my hair so that they are shoulder-lenght and I love it! I think it makes you look more grown up and it’s very sophisticated!
    btw with every hair cut you would look great 🙂

  26. Erica S says:

    Page och lugg! Sen spara ut långt och friskt hår om du fortfarande vill ha det 🙂 när det väl är långt vill man inte klippa av det för att testa något, så testa först 😉 hår växer så fort!

  27. esra says:

    The change is always fun, so i’d personally say you just have to cut your hair short if you want to:) It’s better to move on than to stick to what you got now if you have so many ideas about what you could do! Otherwise your mind will spin around that anyway.
    But you’d better be careful with bangs, ’cause they’re sooo hard to get rid of… Just make sure you want it that much. Make sure you are absolutely sure about that:)

  28. agnes says:

    alltså första frillan var ju sjukt nice!

  29. Lena says:

    Jag tycker att du borde klippa av det. Det känns så härligt när man har kort hår och jag tror också att det passa dig bra. Är inte långt hår lite trågikt? Det blir ju mycket spännande med en ny frisyr!

  30. Apollonia says:

    I love your hair, and although I think shorter hair would look good on you, cutting it would be a waste… But I think you should defenitely try out a fringe!
    With love, Appie | jusde-pomme.blogspot.com

  31. Anonymous says:

    Du borde klippa en sån längre lugg som du kan dra åt sidan, som flora här på devote har, skulle passa dig hur bra som helst, och det är inte en jätteförändring om du skulle ångra dig. 🙂

  32. Mirjam says:


  33. Amanda says:

    lugg och page! lär bli asballt

  34. Diman says:


  35. Sally says:

    Hair grows again, try something different!:-)

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