VeganTV med Ebba Zingmark- episode 2


Andra avsnittet av veganTV är ute! Titta och lär, hehe! Nästa vecka berättar jag om mina favvoprodukter för veganer. Missa inte! Som vanligt uppskattar jag alla tips , önskemål och kommentarer. Puss!


The second episode of veganTV is out! Watch and learn, hehe!

Next week I’ll tell you about my favorite products for vegans. Don’t miss out!

As usual I’m happy for every tip, wish or comment. xx

10 responses to “VeganTV med Ebba Zingmark- episode 2

  1. amandabredmarr says:

    oj så sjukt bra, ändrade helt mina åsikter efter detta avsnitt, jag ska kolla nästa. det var väldigt lärorikt!

    Kolla gärna in på min blogg och lär er att locka håret på ett nytt suuuuperlätt sätt 😀

  2. Lala says:

    Very personal and cute! Thanks for using your fame to promote veganism! ♥

  3. Delise says:

    Så jävla awesome

  4. anonymous says:

    what about eating bivalves like scallops, clams, mussels, oysters? apart from the environmental problems involved in sourcing them (which i suppose you can avoid if you’re careful), i’ve read that they have about as much consciousness as plants. so ethically, i don’t have a problem with eating them even though i’m a vegetarian. what do you think?

  5. isabyl says:

    åh, norrländska ♥

  6. Petra says:

    Svar till anonymous:
    The crucial difference between the plants and bivalvia, is that the latter have nervous system (besides all the other organs like heart, stomach, muscles etc. just like all of the animals). Therefore, they have a potential to feel pain, even though we cannot be sure if they really do, since very few studies have been made. Also, they belong to the same evolutionary category like snails or octopuses (i.e molluscs) and if you are not eating those because of ethical reasons, it is certainly strange to apply a different criteria for bivalvia only.

  7. anonymous says:

    Svar till Petra:
    that makes sense. thanks for your response, it was enlightening. if research on whether or not they feel pain becomes conclusive in the future, i think i will start eating them, despite choosing not to eat molluscs (octopuses are so intelligent!! i love them), since my main concern regarding animals is their suffering

  8. Anne says:

    Såå bra idé! Tycker dina argument var solklara och du gjorde det på ett så bra sätt! Ser fram emot dina tips!!:)

  9. freja says:

    så bäst! har länge velat bli vegan men känt att jag behöver lite vägledning så ser så sjukt mycket fram emot detta!

  10. Boba says:

    Kul att du tar upp viktiga och allvarliga ämnen, och att det inte bara är yta på en sådan här blogg.

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