Turn around and leave




Nu är det packa, packa, packa som gäller! Jag har äntligen hittat en outfit jag känner mig riktigt bekväm i till fashionweek, men har fortfarande massor av looks kvar att sätta ihop till plåtningen i Antwerpen. Vi som plåtas ska själva ta med våra favoritplagg och accessoarer för att bilderna ska bli mer personliga -vilket jag älskar- men det är en hel del som ska med! Haha. Medan jag löper mellan garderoben, spegeln och resväskan hoppas jag att ni har en bra och soft måndagskväll.  Visar er resten av bilderna ovan imorgon. Puss!


All I have to do now is pack, pack, pack my bags! I’ve finally found an outfit I feel really comfortable in for fashion week tomorrow, but I still has plenty of looks left to put together for the shootings in Antwerpen. Us models has been told to bring our favorite garments and accessories to make the photos more persona -which I love- but it’s a lot to pack! Haha. While I’m running from the closet to the mirror to the suitcase, I hope you have a good and soft Monday night. I’ll show you the rest of the images above tomorrow. Kisses!

7 responses to “Turn around and leave

  1. myhrans says:

    fina bilder!

  2. ihaveit says:

    Lovley bilder!

  3. L.E.N says:

    you look so cool!!
    may be we can follow each other follow and let me know will follow back for sure!!


  4. Mishka says:

    Woow…that’s funny, i’ve been reading your blog for, i don’t know, 3 years…maybe more; and you have changed so much! Not that much, because it’s you and all. But you know, you are growing up 😉
    Great look btw 🙂

  5. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Mishka:
    Woah, 3 years! That’s so cool, it’s like we are old friends or something, haha 😀

  6. fridachristinas says:

    Men åh jösses så vackra bilder!

  7. naatali says:

    dessa bilder var ju nästan magiska, så fina!!

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