Trailer Truck Thursday

Sneakis. Jag har just avklarat dagens roliga möte och nu ska jag sätta mig på cykeln och trampa hem i solen. Det är galet vad lite sol kan boosta ens humör alltså. Hoppas det är lika fint hos er idag!

Sneakpeek. I’ve just completed today’s exciting meetings and now I’ll bike home in the sun. It’s crazy how a little sunshine can boost your mood. I hope the weather is as nice as here where you are today!

16 responses to “Trailer Truck Thursday

  1. Agnes says:

    Du är så vacker!

  2. Anja says:

    Oh Ebba you are so beautiful.
    The composition of the second photo is so great, i love how is blurred and there are only soft shapes and silhouette seen.

  3. orin kadoori says:

    Gorgeous !! love your photos so much.

  4. wilma says:

    You look like Angelina Jolie in the first picture! Stunning

  5. Réza says:

    I love the first image!

  6. cajsa says:

    men gud vilka fina bilder!! DU är så fin!

  7. Ida says:

    Vilken fin bild på dig!

  8. Cristi says:

    Oh, can’t wait to see more! I’m already loving the photos. 🙂

  9. paulina says:

    ooooooooooooooooh såååå otroliga bilder!!!

  10. frida says:


  11. dabivintage says:

    great inspiration!kisses from Italy

  12. Jeline says:

    you look so stunning in the first pic! so stoked to see the whole outfit!!!! <3

  13. katy vess says:

    amazing photos, ebba! wow!

  14. Ivana :) says:

    wow, photos are just great and you look amazing !!

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