Thursday talk


Goddag på er! Idag har jag nästan ingen skola så jag passar på att springa runt på stan lite och förbereda lite inför min systers 20-årsdag på lördag. Jag får alltid sådan åldersnoja av hennes födelsedagar, att hon fyller 20 känns av någon anledning mycket konstigare än att jag själv fyller 18 om några månader. Nu måste jag hoppa ur sängen och börja diska om jag ska hinna innan det är dags att åka. Kram!

Good day to you! Today my school sheldue is almost empty so I take the opportunity to run around in town and prepare for my sister’s 20th birthday on Saturday. I always get such an age madness of her birthday, the fact that she turns 20 feels much stranger than that I turn 18 in a few months, by some reason. Now I have to jump out of bed and start washing dishes if I’ll have time before I have to go. Hugs!

10 responses to “Thursday talk

  1. sandra says:

    Awesome! ♥

  2. Frida says:

    Riktigt snygga bilder, gillar verkligen den första! 🙂

  3. coline says:

    yoy look great! and good luck finding something for your sister!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sorry if you think it’s too personal but – do you have a boyfriend? If not, do you like someone? .)

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh, and i think your sister is amazing, though you don’t show pictures of her often, i really like seeing her here. Haha, idk why i like her so much)

  6. ebbazingmark says:

    No, and yes 😉

  7. Julie says:

    I love your look Ebba, there is something really unique about you and your style!


  8. Anonymous says:

    Oh, good luck then!) 😉

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