Sneakpeek på två nya riiiktiga favoriter i garderoben. Har använt dessa röda braxor SÅ mycket på sistone, och toppen likaså. Visar er resten senare i veckan! Hoppas ni har det bra där ute, var ni än är.

Sneakpeek of two new favorites in my wardrobe. I’ve used these red pants SO much lately, and the top as well. I’ll show you the rest of this look later this week! Hope you’re doing fine out there, wherever you are. x

6 responses to “THE ROSE

  1. Jo says:

    A chic street style look! The red pants are popping against the black. Thanks for the share 🙂

    Jo x
    Don’t forget to check out my latest post 🙂

  2. alex dainel says:

    Totally loving your outfit.

  3. alex dainel says:

    Look so cute in all pictures..

  4. Lucie says:

    This is such a cool look and the little circle that holds your sweater is what I’ve been looking for for the past 20 years I think! So handy
    Lucie, xx

  5. sam collin says:

    Love so so much this outfit!

  6. jonny smith says:

    nice outfit

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