Jacket and shorts-2hand, boots– sarenza, tee- Front Row, glasses E&E-glasses.

Kontrasten kunde inte varit större mellan vädret på dessa bilder och hur det är utanför fönstren idag. Regn och blåst har bytts mot sol och flera plusgrader och man får nästan lite sommarvibbar. Måste även passa på att tacka för era åsikter i detta inlägg, jag ska läsa och ta åt mig av allihopa. Ha en fin söndag hörrni!

The contrast couldn’t have been greater between the weather on these images and how it is outside today. Rain and wind have been replaced by sunshine and a several degrees above zero and you can almost feel some summer vibes. I must also take this opportunity to thank you for all opinions in this post, I’ll read and take all of them with me. Have a nice Sunday guys!

6 responses to “THE RAIN CAN’T STOP ME

  1. Eva says:

    Great outfit and what a cool jacket! xx

  2. gemma o says:

    These photos are gorgeous!!

    x g.

  3. Tanja says:

    Ebba! All I wanted to say is, that it’s good to see you in shape again. I think your shape is fabulous – you look so healthy and not skinny at all! Love that 🙂

  4. Jeline says:

    Awesome outfit. You look great. I love your shirt!! <3

  5. Amanda says:

    så snygg!

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