Det känns ju nästan lite pinsamt att visa upp mina egna slarviga teckningar efter att ha publicerat era fantastiska bilder nedan. Tack och lov är det inte skissen jag skulle visa er egentligen, utan själva boken. HUR FIN är den inte? Den kommer från caseable och det är jag som har valt färger och bilder (Kajsas analoga tågluffsbilder blev det). Jag blir så glad bara jag ser den. Vad tycker ni? Om ni vill skulle jag kunna ordna med en giveaway där ni har chansen att vinna en egendesignad produkt från caseable, vad sägs om det?

It’s almost a little embarrassing to show my own sloppy drawings after publishing your amazing pictures below. Thankfully it’s not the sketch I wanted to show you, but the book itself. HOW NICE isn’t it? It’s from Caseable and I’ve chosen the colors and images myself  (Kajsas analog interrail-images). I get so happy just by seeing it. What do you think? If you want to, I could arrange a giveaway where you can win a custom designed product from Caseable, would you like that?

11 responses to “THE NOTEBOOK

  1. alex says:

    It’s really cute! ♥

  2. Mira says:

    It´s really cute. I would like to have a giveaway. Your drawings are way better than mine 🙂

  3. Hanne says:

    that would be awesome! 🙂 besides, when you’re drawing, you shouldn’t worry about whether you’re good at it or not, just do it and work on your drawings until you’re satisfied. i think if they enjoy drawing in the first place, everyone can draw 😉

  4. Szindi says:

    Hello Ebba!


  5. Rosalba says:

    I really like it! Great idea and great colour (love orange!)…I think it may also be a nice gift-idea for a friend…and it would be great if you could arrange the giveaway!!!

  6. Szindi says:


    So, I admire your blog and you! Every day. Your blog is an inspiration for me. And yes, I would like to have a giveaway! This notebook is really awesome

  7. Anna says:

    Hi, it looks really great ! I think a giveaway would be a great idea. That’s a good giftidea for friends 🙂

  8. Pip says:

    The book looks so cool, I love the images you used 🙂 your picture is actually amazing!

    Pip x

  9. sara says:

    Amazing it will be perfect a giveaway!!!

  10. fanny says:

    jag tycker att du är riktigt duktig!

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