Att åka till Stockholm var lite som att resa tillbaka till hösten. På flera ställen kunde man fortfarande skymta de röda och gula löven, och den skarpa kylan verkar inte ha nått dit än, till skillnad från de vita mornarna här i Umeå. Det är bara att njuta medan man kan, för snart blir det vinter på riktigt! Huvva. Här har ni i alla fall en tjuvkik på hur jag såg ut på mässan, jag hade på mig en himla fin dress från Romwe. Visar er sen! Kram på er.

Going to Stockholm was a bit like traveling back to the autumn. In several places you could still catch a glimpse of the red and yellow leaves, and the low temperatures seems to have reached the city yet, unlike the white mornings here in Umeå. I’ll just have to enjoy while I can, because soon it will be winter for real! Burrr. Anyway, here you have a glimpse of how I looked at the fair, I was wearing a really nice suit from Romwe. I’ll show you the rest later! Hugs.

6 responses to “THE LAST DAYS OF AUTUMN

  1. Gaby Fuentes says:

    So amazing pictures!

  2. Diana says:

    wow! i like your photos! so unusual, but at the same time beautiful!

  3. Jeline says:

    Your photos always looks amazing!! <3

  4. Tanja says:

    Hey Ebba 🙂 Do you know that you’re on the advertisement for lookbooks iPhone App? 😀 How cool is that!

  5. ebbazingmark says:

    Tanja: Yeah, I’ve noticed that. Haha 😀

  6. Kathe Elisabeth says:

    What editing program do you use to make the effect on your photos? 🙂 I love the creativity in your photos – im must take a lot of time for you to edit them but keep up the good work – the photos are so inspiring!
    Such a dull question, i know, but im really hoping you’ll answer 🙂

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