Shirt- Virgos Lounge, sweater 5preview, shoessarenza.

Goddag kompisar! Har suttit och ätit nybakt bröd till frukost i länge länge, men nu ska jag ta mig i kragen och dra ut och fota lite. Det känns så himla skönt med helg, jag behöver lite ledig tid innan det roliga jobbet nästa vecka. Lovar att berätta om det imorgon! Ha en fortsatt fin lördag allesammans. Puss!

Hello friends! I’ve been sitting and eating freshly baked bread for breakfast for a long time, but now it’s really about time to go out to photograph a little. It feels so nice that it’s weekend, I really need some free time before the fun job next week. I promise to tell you about it tomorrow! Have a great Saturday everyone. Hugs!

26 responses to “THE FRENCH BULLDOG

  1. Nonoka says:

    You’re way too beautiful girl))))))))

  2. A N N A - FOTO & MODE says:

    Stört snygga skor!!

  3. Katrina Bay says:

    the boots are WOW!!

    Pumps & Kicks


  4. Aleksandra says:

    gorgeous! love your shoes ♥

  5. cajsa says:

    så SNYGGGG!

  6. katy vess says:

    those shoes are gorgeous! wow!

  7. elin says:

    Alltså åh, fina du!

  8. Suzy says:

    I love that outfit, your make up and hair are so gorgerous too!

  9. fashrunway says:


  10. Amalia Morales says:

    You are beautiful!


  11. Linda :) says:

    Hej,Ebba jag har länge velat veta hur du gör den där frisyren kan du inte visa det antingen i bilder eller i en video,tycker det är jättefint! 🙂

  12. Lama says:

    Your skin is just so so flawless!

  13. Frida says:

    Du passar väldigt bra i den där frisyren! 🙂

  14. iEmma says:

    wow amazing outfit!
    I love your hair *-*
    Emma xx

  15. Martyna says:

    Hi there!:)
    I’m in love with your style!
    I found u on LB and i counted i will find some photos of your room here but i see you don’t have one, can u make a post showing your favourites things and ur room someday?:)

  16. Angelica Lainis says:

    Wow! Ebba so beautiful. I love your hair style x

  17. Maria says:

    Hi Ebba! You are very beautiful girl and i really like your outfits but i do not understand why you wear so much makeup? You are young right now and u do not need it. I think it makes young naturally blushing face looking older and fake. So please do not use so much makeup. 🙂

  18. ulrika says:

    åh vilken ball tröjaa!!! super snygg äruu

  19. Flora says:

    Damn, you look so pretty!

  20. Kieu Linh says:

    Nice hairdo
    You can make it look better (my opinian), while you make four braids 2 underneath and 2 overheads. Then you take the lower braids and put them both overheads and the 2 loose braids you just have to put them underneath. After that you have a nice braid wich goes over your whole head. =)

    At last is that your real eye colour or do you wear coloured contact lenses ?
    (looks pretty ♥)

    Love from Berlin

  21. dilara says:

    I just found your blog and I loved it!

    You’re amazing!

    If you would like to see mine :

    Have fun 🙂

  22. Hayley says:

    awesome outfit love the boots and the jumper 🙂 You look stunning in these photos aswell! as always 🙂

    Hayley xx

  23. Carola says:

    I just fainted because you look sooooo amazing!!


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