The first day of spring.


God morgon på er! Det har varit nollgradigt ute i flera dagar nu, snön har börjat smälta och solen börjat värma. Våren är på G med andra ord, och det märks verkligen på humöret. Har ni haft lika fint väder som här i Umeå? För övrigt tycker jag att ni ska kika in här på bloggen lite senare idag, för igår spontanfilmade jag nämligen en liten rundtur i lägenheten, precis som några av er ville. Vi hörs då helt enkelt.  Ha en bra dag!

Good morning everyone! The temperature has been around zero degrees for several days now, the snow has begun to melt and the sun started to warm the ground. You can’t deny that spring is on it’s way, in, and it really makes my mood much better. Have you had as nice weather as here in Umeå? Moreover, I think you should take a look here on the blog later today, because yesterday I spontaneously recorded a little  video tour of my apartment, just like some of you wanted me to. So I’ll get back to you then. Have a great day!

7 responses to “The first day of spring.

  1. Sophie says:

    Aah i already love this look, your hair is gorgeous !


  2. Mariana (Portugal) says:

    Its funny cause when its zero degrees in portugal we think the winter is still very far from ending and we feel it is a very though winter … When its 16/20 degrees more or less we feel that its spring .. but we still have to put a little jacket on .. When its 25/30 degrees its summer 😀 I miss it 😀
    Love you and your blog 🙂

  3. Maja says:

    Aw, I just adore your combinations *___*

  4. Rox says:

    I wanna see the whole outttttttfit! 🙂

  5. Laura (Spain) says:

    I find what you say as curious as Mariana (in the comment above) does. Where I live, in the Northern coast of Spain, temperature is never below 4-6ºC, and that is only two or three days a year, which we consider so cold that we don’t even go outside haha! The normal temperature for winter is around 10-15ºC, and we consider it spring when it is 16-20ºC.
    Anyway, I’d love to live in a place where it snows…

    Best wishes!

  6. Ellen says:

    oj ser kallt ut! men fint 🙂

  7. Angelica Lainis says:

    So pretty! Excited to see the spring outfits xx

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