Nu är jag hemma i Umeå igen men min kamera är fullproppad med foton att visa er från mina fantastiska dagar i München. Vi börjar med bilderna från eventet i torsdags. Här är snygga Masha!


Now I’m home in little Umeå again but my camera is filled with photos to show you from my amazing days in Munich. We can start with the pictures from the event an thursday. Here’s gorgeous Masha!


Vi åt cupcakes och drack drinkar med frusna jordgubbar i. Mums!


We ate cupcakes and had drinks with frozen strawberries. Yum! 



Fina Fanny, Maren och Alexander var där!


Fanny, Maren and Alexander was there! 



Jag, Jana och Masha på “lila mattan”. Så himla roliga tjejer!


Me, Jana and Masha on the “purple carpet”. So lovely girls!



Vi intervjuades av både stylight’s filmteam och tysk TV!


We was interviewed by both stylight’s filmteam and german TV!



Sedan fick vi se mobilskalen vi designat. Både jag och Masha var riktigt nöjda med våra resultat!


Then we got to see the iPhone shells we had designed. Both me and Masha were really happy with our results! 



Efteråt var det BBQ-dags. Vi åt hamburgare och massa god sallad!


After that it was BBQ-time! We ate hamburgers and salad.



Vi tog några roliga polaroidbilder senare på kvällen! Jag bara måste köpa en polaroidkamera!


We took some funny polaroids later in the evening. I have to get a polaroid camera!



Kvällen avslutades med en grym spelning av Miss Li (och jag hade “My heart goes boom” på hjärnan hela dagen därpå, haha). Tack STYLIGHT för en helt fantastisk kväll!


The evening ended with an awesome Miss Li concert (“My heart goes boom” was stuck in my head the entire next day, haha). Thank you STYLIGHT for the perfect summer event!


  1. myhrans says:

    Åh så fina bilder!

  2. julialinnea1 says:

    vilka härliga bilder!! 🙂

  3. thelittleworldoffashion says:

    So happy to meet you 😉
    Hope to see you soon ! Love!

  4. Mae says:

    Whoa whoa whoa.

    ‘We ate hamburgers’

    Last time I checked, vegans don’t eat hamburgers.

  5. Jeline says:

    Seems like you had an amazing time!

  6. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Mae:
    Check again, there’s lots of different vegan burgers! 😀 (bean burgers, soy burgers and tofu burgers, sooo delicious!) But on this event they didn’t have any meatfree burgers so I had to eat bread and salad 🙂

  7. whispyr says:

    Ebba, do you contact catering beforehand on this kind of events to tell them you eat vegan diet? and do they respect it? do you find it hard to eat vegan and not feel like you dont have anything to eat? ive faced this situation on some parties…

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