Här kommer en liten sneakpeek på morgondagens look. Bilderna är tagna på sportlovet någonstans i Berlins lite finare kvarter där jag gick på museum och kände mig kulturell i polotröja och randiga byxor. Älskar verkligen brallorna, hur sköna (!!) och lättanvända som helst (ni hittar dem HÄR). Har verkligen dille på randigt just nu! Haha. Gillart?

Here’s a sneakpeek of tomorrow’s look. The pictures are taken during the trip to Berlin in little finer neighborhoods of the city where I went to a museum and felt arty in my turtleneck top and striped pants. I really love the pants, soo comfortable (!!) and easy to combine (you can find them HERE). I’m really into stripes right now! Haha. Like it?

8 responses to “STRIPED

  1. Rox says:

    The link is not working 😛

  2. ebbazingmark says:

    Rox: oh, thanx for telling me! It’s fixed now 🙂

  3. Rox says:

    No problem! I was totally curious to see the pants. I love stripes! 😀

  4. Carola says:

    I?m such a stripe addict too!

  5. Eva says:

    Those trousers are so great! xx

  6. melissa says:

    amazing pics ebba, and the stripes are really in !!

  7. The Daily Fashion Drug says:

    Love the pants!
    Can’t wait to see the full look.

    XO The Daily Fashion Drug

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