Två av era fina bilder, tusen tack till Kate och Nicol!

Sitter i köket med Ebba, Kajsa och Karin. Utanför fönstret öser regnet ner men vad gör det när vi har rullat ut en enorm europakarta på bordet och har massor av sommarplaner att diskutera? Har så himla mycket att se fram emot nu och det känns underbart.

Two stunning pictures I’ve got in my inbox, thanks to Kate and Nicol!

I’m sitting in the kitchen with Ebba, Kajsa and Karin. Outside the window the rain is pouring down but who cares about that when we have rolled out a huge map of Europe on the table and have lots of summer plans to discuss? I’ve got so much to look forward to now and it feels wonderful.


  1. deskriptiv says:

    Glöm för all del inte bort Prag! Kan vara en av de vackraste städerna i hela Europa!

  2. Emmy & Alva says:

    Snyggt! 🙂

  3. Eva says:

    Wow, beautiful drawings. They are really taltented and ofcourse you are a wonderful model 😉

  4. Orsi says:

    Hey, you asked for tipps, so i can just say that to visit Budapest REALLY worths, it’s a beautiful city. I don’t know when do you want to do the trrip, but from the 8th-13th August there will be the SZIGET Festival what is elected as the best festival of Europe this year i guess. As sweedish you might have problems with warm weather, it can be over 35° in the summer here, but still, it really worths:) have a great Sunday, Orsi

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