Swimsuit- Lovelysally, top- IanyWear.


Nu drar jag hem från Örsten men varenda del av mig vill stanna. Jag har i alla fall fått en fruktansvärt fin försmak på sommarlovet med massor av bad, kortspel, myggbett, grillad mat och båtturer. På onsdag är det dags att på riktigt lämna skolan för sista gången den här terminen. När får ni sommarlov?


Now I’m on my way home from Örsten but every part of me wants to stay. This visit has been a terribly good pre taste of the summer holidays with lots of swimming, card games, mosquito bites, grilled food and boating. On Wednesday the school ends for real. When does your summer vaccation start?

23 responses to “SOMMARDAGAR

  1. myhrans says:

    åh så härliga bilder!

  2. Judit says:

    Your body looks soooo good now compared to last year! Not that you didn’t look good, but you aren’t super skinny anymore 😀
    And I started my holidays on Friday!

    I hope you’ll enjoy your Summer, many kisses 🙂

  3. Martyna says:

    Ur lucky, i have holidays in 3 weeks in Poland so i still have to work hard;p

  4. Mae says:

    Where do you get all the bruises on your legs from?

  5. La Linda says:

    Vilka härliga bilder och vilken cool baddräkt! 🙂 Du, jag skulle vilja komma i kontakt med dig, har du en mailadress jag kan nå dig på? 🙂

  6. tula says:

    hi ebba, i remember when someone asked you why you dont shave your legs, it was a while ago, but i never read your respond. i dont shave my legs too because i have blonde hair, but really, some people are disgusted! i think that is so weird. do we really live in a world where all we care about is our appearance…? i dont hope so.
    i wish i had a house at orsten, ive never been there but it looks so calm! and you look stunning as always.
    my holidays start in 3 weeks, but before that i am going to paris and italy with school for 2 weeks!
    have a nice week and good start of your summer holidays 🙂 xx

  7. JJ says:

    That really looks like the coolest place to spend summer at! 🙂
    Summer holidays in Italy start tomorrow, school ended yesterday 😀

  8. mildredskold says:

    O vilka fina bilder! 😀 kolla gärna in mig blogg!!

  9. Iris says:

    Adorable photos♥!

  10. Mae says:

    Svar till tula:
    You don’t shave your legs?

    Have you had many boyfriends? Lol


  11. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Mae:
    I shave my legs when I feel like it, I think it’s up to every person to decide if they want to do that or not. I really dislike the fact that many girls are feeling forced to shave just because the norm is that way in our society. I don’t bother the hair on my legs since it’s blonde and soft, so sometimes I don’t shave. I really don’t think that much about it 🙂

  12. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till La Linda:
    Hej Linda! Tack så mycket! Du kan kontakta mig på! 🙂

  13. Niki says:

    Beautiful photos! I love your swimsuit 🙂

  14. Linnea says:

    Jag slutar också nu på onsdag! 😀

  15. Elshindy says:

    never think about being a runway models? I think it will suit you :)) I would happy to see you success :>

    I like how you combine the swimwear and the shirt(?) xD

  16. annawb says:

    åh snyggis!

  17. annawb says:

    ha en fin dag ♥

  18. annawb says:

    kika förbi kramar

  19. Rosie says:

    I LOVE this swimsuit – where is it from?!?! I can’t wait for summer vacation!
    Rosie x

  20. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Rosie:
    It’s from 🙂

  21. karole josefa bonnet says:

    You’re absolutely beautiful xx

    Love from Paris

  22. bs says:

    du är så snygg! och du har så vackra fötter 🙂

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