IBLAND VILL JAG BARA KLIPPA AV MIG HÅRET! Gick omkring med min svarta korta peruk hela dagen igår och var så sjuuuuukt sugen på att plocka fram saxen och bara gå loss på mina slitna toppar. Jag får ju som ni vet såna här ryck ungefär en gång om året, och jag vill inte att det ska sluta som för två år sedan då jag bestämde mig för att färga håret grått och det slutade med att jag bytt mitt hyfsat hälsosamma röda hår mot en råttfärgad rishög, ungefär. Därför vill jag ha era åsikter, tips och erfarenheter vad gäller att klippa kort. Finns det något jag bör tänka på? Tycker ni att jag ska köra?


Ps. Befinner mig som sagt i Stockholm idag för att plåtas. Lovar att visa lite backstagebilder imorgon!


SOMETIMES I JUST WANT TO CUT MY HAIR OFF! I walked around with my black short wig all day yesterday and got so insanely eager to pick up the scissor and just cut it all off. As you might know, I habe these periods when I want to change my hair completely once a year, and I don’t want it to end like two years ago when I decided to dye my quite healthy red hair gray and ended up mouse-colored, damaged hair. Therefore, I want your opinions before I do anything too spontaniously. Do you have any opinions, tips or experiences regarding cutting your hair short? Is there anything I should consider? Do you think I should go for it?


Ps. Today I’m in Stockholm to model, I promise to show some backstage pictures tomorrow!

36 responses to “SOMETIMES I JUST WANT TO….

  1. Annika says:

    Black hair suits you so good!

  2. Annemette says:

    Don’t cut it!!!! Your long hair is så beautiful!!! And it suits your much better than the short wig you are wearing.

    I cut my hair short, and I liked the change, but when I then decided that the long hair was actually better on me, it took SO LONG TIME for it to grow out! 3 years later and it is still not the same lenght as before. My hair may also just grow really slow. But still, it takes a long time for you to get the long hair you have now. And your hair is SO pretty!
    You will probably look very cute and edgy with the short hair (and it is a nice change!), but I still think you should keep the long hair.

    Love your blog!

  3. Kasia says:

    I wouldn’t go for hair as short as on the picture… I think shoulder or even chin lenght hair would suit you better.

  4. gosia says:

    Please no! Don’t do this!

  5. sdfxcgbhjk says:

    Jag tror att du borde börja med en page eller bob, just för att det är en så himla stor omställning att gå från långt till kort, busigt och ifall du ångrar dig och vill spara ut det igen så är det lättare och inte lika lång tid av “mitt hår ser helt jäkla hopplöst ut nu får jag ha mössa i ca ett halvår”. Dessutom går en lite längre page eller bob att styla om lite, en kort busfrisyr blir man så låst i. Så satsa på en kortare “lång” frisyr för att inte hamna i samma sits som jag varit flera gånger, haha.

  6. myhrans says:

    Jag älskar ditt röda långa hår, så jag tycker inte du ska kapa av det! 🙂

  7. Vega says:

    En av oss gick loss med kökssaxen för ett tag sen. Tänk på virvlar och tänd lampan! 🙂

  8. Tanya says:

    Don’t cut it, never! Still… black looks so good on you, it suits you really well!

  9. Jule says:

    I know that feeling! About a year ago I decided that it was time to part with my precious long locks. At that point I had never really had proper short hair – the shortest until then had been shoulder length. So despite really craving a change, the decision to cut it to just below my ears was a tough one. What made it a lot easier in the end was donating my hair to a charity (Princess Trust, UK) which provides free-of-charge wigs to children going through chemotherapy. I’ve never really regretted the cut since, but on those bad-hair days it’s just a bit of extra comforting to know that your hair made somebody very happy 😉 And after all, it’s hair and for those of us who are lucky, it’ll just grow back in no time…

  10. Jule says:

    I know that feeling! About a year ago I decided that it was time to part with my precious long locks. At that point I had never really had proper short hair – the shortest until then had been shoulder length. So despite really craving a change, the decision to cut it to just below my ears was a tough one. What made it a lot easier in the end was donating my hair to a charity (Princess Trust, UK) which provides free-of-charge wigs to children going through chemotherapy. I’ve never really regretted the cut since, but on those bad-hair days it’s just a bit of extra comforting to know that your hair made somebody very happy 😉 And after all, it’s hair and for those of us who are lucky, it’ll just grow back in no time…

  11. Sonia says:

    PLEASE NO !! ! ! ! ! NO NO NO !!!!!!

  12. celia says:

    Maybe you cn change yor cut hair but please do’t dye!!!

  13. Martha says:

    I wouldn’t do it if I were you… I love short hair, but I think you look better with long hair!

  14. Lotta says:

    Jag tycker att du ska klippa det! Du klär verkligen i frisyren och ibland kan det ju vara skönt med lite förändring.
    Har själv långt, tjockt hår som jag gärna skulle klippa av men jag tror tyvärr inte att det skulle passa mig så bra…

  15. Mishka says:

    Hi Ebba! So here’s my little story with me and my hair. I used to dye them in red just like you for like 2 or 3 years. And then I got tired and cut them off. Literally short. You don’t know how good it feels when you do that. Because you’re different from the others girls. Every girls want to have long hair, everyone looks kinda the same I must say. More, when you have short hair you’re proud of it because you can show people that you don’t need your hair to support your feminity. and that’s really important. Long hair are beautiful, and so are short hair. But they have this little thing that shows that you’re not affraid to do things with your body, or that you’re affraid of what people thinks about your feminity. And for me that’s priceless.
    But anyway, with long or short hair you really look gorgeous, don’t be worried about this at all 🙂

  16. Mathilda says:

    Att ha kort hår är faktiskt ganska lätt att sköta, dock kan det bli lite knepigt när man vill stajla det om man inte vet hur man ska göra. Men med fantasin kommer man långt!
    Om man är som jag, att håret växer väldigt fort, bör man tänka på hur nacken klipps. Mitt nackhår blir väldigt gräsligt efter någon månad utan klippning; men för ett tag sen klippte jag det väldigt kort i nacken, och det fungerar jättebra!

  17. Karla says:

    No, dont do it!
    Black doesnt suit you as well as read. It looks like a way too big contrast for me. And seriously like a wig, because it wouldnt fit to your porcelaine skin tone.

  18. amandarahnboy says:

    Tycker ditt röda hår passar dig bäst, så nej klipp dig inte! 😀

  19. Liena says:

    For me, chopping hair off was a really good thing, it even completely changed my personality, I became quite confident about myself and along with that, much more outgoing and happy. Now I’m actually also growing them back but just for a while, I’m considering cutting them off next year or so again.

  20. Nutri says:

    cut if you want but stay redhead please!! it suits you and it’s something that (in my opinion) defines you and makes you different from other fashion bloggers. Redhead it’s quite natural for you and allows to create looks that are really fresh and funny.It makes you look like you blink en eye from every photo 😉

  21. Justin Geluk says:

    I think your red hair is your charm.
    Don’t cut it!

  22. Kitty says:

    Well, if you want to change your hairstyle, you should do it! Short hair really suits you! There’s to much girls with long, straight hair – it’s so boring.
    So, go for it! But keep it red. 🙂

  23. Cornelia says:

    Det viktigaste är nog att klippa i lager, vissa delar är lite längre och vissa är lite kortare; det blir helt enkelt fluffigare och får en finare avslutning då.
    Och även om du inte blir nöjd med det så är det bara att dricka mycket vatten och det mesta är utvuxet igen på några veckor/någon månad.

  24. Kebne says:

    Jag klippte kort kort för några år sen, och det hade nog varit jättesnyggt ifall jag inte lämnat massa hår bak i nacken! Kort är ju riktigt snyggt faktiskt. Lite jobbigt bara, när man har en dålig hårdag och inte bara kan sätta upp det i en hästsvans. Tycker ändå du borde klippa kort, tror du skulle passa i det! 🙂

  25. dani says:

    Warning long text coming…

    I’ve had my hair this short for, like, some years. What i have to tell you is about little things that you don’t think of at first, but you’ll notice…
    There. 1When you’re washing your face you can’t just wash your face, you have to wear some kind of hairband cause your hair gets in the water, too. I know it looks nothing, but it’s actually annoying. This little bullshit just bothers me so much idk why.
    2When you have a bad hair day you can’t even do anything about that… Wear a hat or walk around with bad hair all day.
    3It’s always the same. You’ll barely have another option of wearing them…
    4Finally – growing out your hair is a torture. It is a torture, i promise. You’ll go through all of those stages when your haircut is a grown out shit but you have to leave it alone cause if you cut it again to fix it, it’ll take even longer… This is the part i hate the most. And this lasts for months. Torture. And my hair grows really fast though…

    Also, some benefits:1It dries really fast, too. Cool when you’re in hurry.
    2Doesn’t tangle, doesn’t get on your face, doesn’t bother. But also kinda does… in a different way.
    3Feels sort of.. freeing. Like if you had to carry something in your hands and now you put that big thing down and your hands are free. Awesome. After you do this, long hair looks like some extra burden.

    Those are my feelings.
    I personally liked it when i cut mine. Look, for some ppl it’s just right, so they stay this way forever and will never ever grow it back, but if you’re not of them, like me… Yeah, it’s fancy when you’ve just cut them off, it’s fancy, let’s say, for a year… Then you get tired and that’s when the tourture begins.

    Personal advice/opinion: Do it. Why not?(:
    I’m just trying to let you know about stuff you’ll have to deal with. You want it, then… Do it. Idk about you, but i never regret any of my ‘big’ changes like that, whether it went good or not so good. Cause after all it’s a new experience & it changes you as a person & you kinda progress. So. Good luck anyways(:

    I’m now growing my hair out, it’s been like 4yrs since they were long, and i’m suffering. Pretty sick from short hair already. I want it long so bad i could die for feeling them down my back. But that won’t happen overnight. It’s just… I’m suffering, that’s it.

  26. Helena says:

    Jag tycker att det är onödigt att lägga för mycket identitet i ett hår bara för att det är långt, känner du för att klippa dig så gör det! Jag älskar att ha kort hår, det är lätt att sköta och jag var aldrig tjejen som gjorde en massa uppsättningar när jag väl hade långt hår, så jag har aldrig saknat det. Du passar i både kort och långt och visst, det tar kanske ett tag att låta det växa ut, men vad fan, det finns ju extensions om du vill få det långt snabbare. Do it! 🙂

  27. Sandra says:

    Klipp ALDRIG ditt hår. Du är SÅ dödssnygg i långt rött

  28. dani says:

    Oh wait but you are a model, i think it could possibly influence your work as a model. Cause it’d be a completely different look if you cut your hair

  29. Emma says:

    i don’t think you should go for it, i think your red hair suits you much better, even if you’re still pretty with these hairs, plus, when you cut your hair this short, it takes ages to grow back. I have been thinking about doing the Karlie (kloss) bob but i love my long hair and i know i’d regret it after two weeks 🙂

  30. Hazzie says:

    I think you can go for a bob hair cut or a blonde pixie hair cut would be really good on you. But I’m not that sure if it would be black or brown. You have the suitable skin that can go super with blondish hair.

  31. Hannah says:


  32. Hannah says:


  33. Frida says:

    Hade en liten minikris i helgen pga mitt hår som skulle klippas rätt rejält. “Tänk om det inte blir fint det är ju så långt och lockigt nu och tänk om jag ser ut som ett barn sen osv osv” efter en stund blev jag så otroligt irriterad på alla idiotideal och disneyfilmer som lurat i mig att det är viktigt att jag som kvinna respekterar och vårdar mitt hår så det ska kunna vara långt och blankt. Sen klippte jag om det helt och nu är jag skitnöjd, ska bara lära mig styla det också så kommer det bli toppen.

  34. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Frida:
    Fasen vad härligt och befriande det låter! Heja!

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