
(Från Sarenza). Här kommer ett lass med sko-inspo! Speciellt nike-dojjorna på andra raden och de svarta Surface To Air-skorna på tredje raden skulle sitta fint på min skohylla. Och så måste jag ju passa på att påminna er om att ni fortfarande kan delta i DEN HÄR tävlingen om ett presentkort på 100 dollar hos Sarenza. Vilka gillar ni bäst?

(from Sarenza) Here’s some shoe-inspiration! Especially the nike trainers on the second row and the black Surface To Air-shoes on the third row would be nice on my shoe rack. And now when I’m already talking about it I must take the opportunity to remind you that you still can participate in THIS contest about a $ 100 gift certificate at Sarenza. Which of the shoes above do you like best?

11 responses to “Snyggskor.

  1. czill says:

    this blue-black beauties! I wanna them badly 🙁

  2. Zsú says:

    those black wedges.

  3. Cécilou says:

    The golden ones!!!

  4. Tula says:

    oooooh i like the nike’s! just bought the cutest pair sneakers also from nike 🙂 i like the orange wooden ones too! hugs

  5. Dorka says:

    The nike’s and the gold one!!!!! sooooooooooooooo goooooood <33

  6. Maria says:

    The golden one!!

  7. Bea says:

    the black ones!

  8. Aui says:

    The blue looks very dreamy

  9. ? y a s m i n a says:


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