



Made by Linssessa, Erica and David.


Godmorgon! Har just landat i skolan för att ta tag i det allra sista skolarbetet. Inte. Länge. Kvar. Nu.
När får ni sommarlov?


Good morning! I’ve just arrived to school to grab the very last schoolwork. Not. Long. Until. Summerbreak. Now.
When does your summer vaccation start?

6 responses to “Slutspurten!

  1. Kate says:

    21.06 😀

  2. Hanne says:

    17th of july, which is earlier than usually. i have TONS of work to do before that though, so i’m really looking forward to it 🙂

  3. Iris says:

    Amazing artworks♥! My summer holiday started yesterday and today I was already working:). Do you have a summer job?

  4. Mae says:

    The middle one is terrible. Who ever drew that should feel bad.

  5. ebbazingmark says:

    Svar till Mae:
    I don’t agree with you, I think it’s beautiful! Who ever drew that must be very proud 🙂

  6. Erika says:

    Awww my drawing 😀 My name is Erika whit K ahah 🙂 thank you very much ♥
    I delted my blog but i’ve a page on facebook!
    Thank you lovely :*

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