




För några dagar sedan fick jag ett mail av Paulina, en fotograf jag modellade lite för på skoj i våras. Hon hade vägarna förbi Berlin och ville styra upp en liten plåtning! Självklart sa jag ja, älskar att kunna connecta med duktiga och kreativa människor. Här är några bts-bilder, visar er det färdiga resultatet så fort jag får det. Glad söndag!

A few days ago I received an email from Paulina Melis (remember that I had a little shoot with her last spring?), she told me that go to Berlin soon and wanted to do a little photoshoot! Obviously I said yes, I just love being able to connect with talented and creative people. Here are some BTS pictures from yesterday when we did the shooting, I’ll show you the final result as soon as I get it. Happy Sunday!

3 responses to “SHIVER

  1. hannah says:

    That pop of yellow is stunning!

  2. rosa says:

    Hi Ebba!

    I’m sure you’ve heard of Essena O’Neill’s recent campaign where she decided to quit social media that advocates capitalist, unhealthy consumer habits, deceives young people and promotes industries that harm both humans and animals. Instead she has gone on to campaign for animal rights, veganism, gender equality etc. I was wondering what your thoughts were on this? I know that animal rights are close to your heart and you have often talked about feminism, and I feel liked I have seen you criticise capitalism and consumerism, although that was perhaps many years ago when I first started following you. Do you feel like your values are being compromised by your work in social media (and modelling?)? I don’t intend to make you feel as though that’s the case or to guilt you, I’m just interested in knowing how you feel about this, considering how socially conscious you seem to be. Do you feel like you are promoting a lifestyle or image that you personally would not want young people to have (especially as your followers probably look up to you as an ethical person and not just because of your clothing and such)? Do you ever feel consumed by social media or having to advertise products you might not believe in? Or do you feel like your success as a blogger has helped you to promote healthy and “good” values and given you a platform to talk about things that matter to you? Do you trust that your followers aren’t fooled by the amount of new products and clothes on your blog and that they understand this might be advertising you need to do as this is your work? Or do you feel like you are adding to consumerist and capitalist ideas and a system where major buying power is with young women who grow up to think that they need to buy beauty and fashion products to “fit in” and be socially accepted? Do you feel like your modelling and blogging work might reinforce ideas of beauty the Western world already holds or do you feel like you are able to question these ideas of beauty?

    Sorry for the amount of questions, especially as they are not necessarily very quick or easy to answer. I would be interested in hearing your genuine opinions though, perhaps in a blog post about the topic. Maybe this is a topic you don’t want to talk about at all, but if you do, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts.


  3. I love all the beautiful pictures you take. Your outfits always look so good and very well put together.

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