Sitter antagligen på tåget till Köpenhamn i detta nu och håller på att sprängas av pepp, så jag tänkte att det var dags att visa er vår reseplan! Först reser vi genom Sverige till Köpenhamn, för att senare ta första bästa nattåg till Amsterdam(Karin kommer ju som ni kanske minns därifrån, så vi är lite extra peppade på det), där hänger vi i ett par dagar innan vi tar tåget till Berlin. När vi känner oss klara i Berlin drar vi vidare till Prag och sedan Venedig innan vi avslutar luffen i Kroatien, med sol och bad och förhoppningsvis lite båtluff. Det här är vår grundplan men vi kommer antagligen inte följa den till punkt och pricka, eftersom luffen är så kort är det enda vi har förhandsbokat tåget till köpenhamn för att vi ska ha utrymme att vara spontana. Så vad säger ni, hur låter det? Har ni några tips så skriv dem, jag kommer att kolla kommentarerna med jämna mellanrum!

I’m probably on the train to Copenhagen right now, so I figured it’s time to show you our travel-plan! First, we’ll travel through Sweden to Copenhagen, to take the first night train to Amsterdam (As you may remember Karin is from there, so we’re extra excited about that), where we hang out for a few days before catching the train to Berlin. When we are done in Berlin we go on to Prague and then Venice before we finish the interrail Croatia. This is our basic plan, but we probably will not follow it to the letter, as our interrail is so short we’ve only pre-booked the train to copenhagen so we have room to be spontaneous. So what do you say, how does that sound? If you have some tips, write them, I’ll check the comments to this post during the trip!

27 responses to “RESEPLANEN

  1. Alicia says:

    Wow! This sounds amazing! I wish you all the best and hope you have an amaaazing time! When you arrive to your final destination, how will you go back to Sweden? on a plane?
    Thank for all your constant posts and the effort you put in your blog every single day you can AND for inspiring me sooo much and being a giant role model for me since a few months ago!
    Lots of love from Barcelona, Spain!
    PS: I am 14 years old.

  2. Alicia says:

    Wow! All this sounds amaaazing! I hope you all have an amazing time! When you arrive to your final destination, how will you go back to Sweden? on a plane?
    Thank you so much for your constant posts and the effort you put into your blog every single day AND for being such a big inspiration in all aspects and an amazing role model for me since a few months ago! Love from Barcelona, Spain.
    PS: i am 14 years old.

  3. Júliaaa says:

    i think You should go to Budapest, hungary. it’s beautiful, especially at summer, we have a lot historical sight, pleasure resort, and i think this is very different to the hitherto planned places. and i personally would be verry happy if you went here:D

  4. Viviane L. says:

    You should probably come to Paris too ! There’s so many things to see here 🙂

  5. Saskia says:

    hi! when you go to Berlin you should visit “Hackesche Höfe” and you can get good food in a restaurant calles CHIPPS! I hope you enjoy your trip and post looooots of pictures when you’re back again!

  6. G+V says:

    well I would say, keep to your plan, that’s what I’d have chosen myself, have a exciting trip … and bring back enough to feed my new greedy captor 😉

  7. Clara-Fina says:

    Håller med någon ovan, BUDAPEST
    Finaste staden jag varit i. Passa på att besöka cafeet/baren Szimplas!

  8. Hrvatica says:

    i’m from croatia.glad to hear you’re coming.what cities are you planning to visit? 🙂 Maybe I can give you some tips.

  9. andrea says:

    I`m a Croatia too,you are going to love Croatia! Enjoy :*

  10. Rory says:

    Croatia? 😀
    Maybe we meet 😀
    It depends where will you be 🙂

  11. Julia says:

    Hej Ebba,

    Hackesche Höfe are quite touristy, it’s nice but not overly exciting.

    Some of the typical tourist sights in Berlin are Checkpoint Charlie, Brandenburger Tor, the Memorial of the Murdered Jews (which is quite impressive), Siegessäule. They are not too far apart and you could visit them within a few hours.

    On Brunnenstraße are a lot of small galleries, also in the Auguststraße/Gipsstraße area.

    Quite popular clubs are Berghain and Kater Holzig.

    And there are so many great cafés and restaurants in Berlin. A very cute café is “Glücklich im Park” (Weinbergsweg), they have delicious waffles and a small shop upstairs with nice clothes. On the whole Weinbergsweg/Kastanienallee are a lot of restaurants and some interesting shops. The real shopping area is around Münzsstraße, but there are the shops you can find everywhere (Urban Outfitters, COS etc.).

    Bergmannstraße in Kreuzberg has a lot of nice restaurants, too and some nice shops.

    Basically Mitte has the reputation of being a bit posher, Kreuzberg and Neukölln are the “cool” areas, and Friedrichshain is ok (Kopernikusstraße and the area near Simon-Dach-Straße are nice), but they all have nice places, and if you don’t have too much time you should focus on these areas. Which still is a lot 🙂

    Hope I could help you a bit!

  12. Eva says:

    Really looks like an amazing trip and Amsterdam is really cool (I live in the Netherlands so I speak out of experience :P)

  13. Hanne says:

    So does your friend Karin speak Dutch? 🙂

  14. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Hanne: Yes she does 🙂

  15. Louise says:

    Stay at the venice fish or venice museum. I worked at both hostels and they are wonderful.

  16. Annabel says:

    In my opinion, you should visit Poland:)

  17. Late Manta says:

    Hi Ebba,
    If you need a great place for brunch in Berlin, try this small cafe. It is only known by insiders, but with the best brunch you can get in Berlin. And the price for two is only 8,50EUR.

    Name : Lass uns Freunde bleiben
    Address : Choriner Straße 12, 10119 Berlin

  18. Eva says:

    Hi Ebba! Great! that’s awesome plan! I love your blog and I adore your style!! I really want meet you in Prague. Maybe we can go shopping to the biggest shopping center Palladium in the middle of the Prague and I can take you to the best streets with a lot of stores! Please, write me when you’ll in the Prague and where can I wait for you! I’ll be there! 🙂 Your Eva (:

  19. Kira says:

    It would be perfect if you could come in Romania..and visit Transalpina!!! Romania is an awesome place :3

  20. Evangelina says:

    Åh, blir så sugen på att göra något liknande själv när jag läser det här!
    Titta gärna in på min blogg, det skulle göra mig glad! En giveaway finns där! Adressen:

  21. Hanna says:

    You should visit monuments in Prague 😀 😉 And lots of Czech people really want to meet you 🙂

  22. Hanna N says:

    När ni är i Prag så måste ni äta på Radost FX, världens bästa vegetariska restaurang och goda drinkar, det är billigt också! Saknar den som tusan efter att ha ätit där regelbundet under våren då jag studerade i Prag. Adress BÄ›lehradská 234/120, närmsta t-bana är IP Pavlova men man kan också ta spårvagn. Och om ni vill ha något som ligger närmare turistkvarteren så tycker jag ni ska prova Lehka Hlava som också är en vegetarisk restaurang med massa god mat, men där måste man oftast boka bord, speciellt om man är många. Om det är något ni undrar om Prag så svarar jag gärna!

  23. Linnea says:

    Haha vad sjukt! Jag gjorde precis samma resa för några dagar sen bara, fast vi åkte inte till Venedig då.
    Åkte också båt i kroatien och stannade till på flera små mysiga öar, bland annat en öde ö som använts som fängelse/koncentrationsläger, lite läskigt men väldigt spännande! Rekommenderar varmt att besöka den ön, Goli otok hette den. Ha det bra! 🙂

  24. tristina says:

    hej ebba! i live in amsterdam 🙂 i hope i see you! have fun!!

  25. Marjolein says:

    Härligt! Jag ska också till både amsterdam, berlin och prag i sommar, är fett peppad! Amsterdam är superfint, men har aldrig varit i Berlin och Prag. Ha det superkul 🙂

  26. isabelle says:

    from berlin to prague you probably cross my city. i feel the fame already. !

  27. Laura says:

    Hi ebba! I’m from Italy and from the 12th to the 16th of July I’ll be in Rovigno, Croatia. It is a very wonderful city. If you do not know which city to go to Croatia, I suggest you Rovinj or Pag 🙂 Hope that was helpful and I hope we can meet if you choose Rovinj!:) Laura

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