Nyss hemkommen från skolan, ska bara stoppa i mig något gott och sedan bege mig mot gymmet. Visar er resten av looken ovan imorgon! Blev faktiskt riktigt nöjd med den här plåtningen, vad tycker ni?

I just got home from school, and I’m just going to grab something good to eat and then head to the gym. I’ll show you the rest of the look above tomorrow! I was actually really happy with this shoot, what do you think?

9 responses to “REFLECTIONS

  1. Natalie says:

    Oh so excited to see this shoot, I love your leggings!! Cats and bright royal blue, two of my favorite things!!

  2. wirag says:

    The first picture is incredible!
    Are they laser-vision catheads on your leg? I pretty sure I can’t understand what’s happening on your leggings, until I see the whole look (:
    I’m excited!

  3. Eva says:

    Beautiful photos, have fun at the gym! xx

  4. katy vess says:

    those pics are incredible, wow, ebba!

  5. Amanda chic says:

    WHat an amazing post!! keep posting 😀

    Mi entrevista al diseñador JOse Castro para VDL Magazine

    My interview to Jose Castro for VDL Magazine

    A chic kiss 😉

  6. Linn says:

    Hej Ebba! Har inte tänkt spamma dig med reklam, men jag skulle vilja tipsa dig – Det är nämligen så att jag och två vänner bestämt oss för att driva UF sista året, och vi har valt att sälja våran egen norrländska version av bullet halsband, samt annorlunda älgtroféer! Tror det kan vara något som faller dig i smaken, kolla gärna in bloggen där vi har bilder! 🙂

  7. Erin says:

    Beautiful as always 🙂 Love how you hair looks here.

    Btw, i just want to tell you, that with time, when i learnt more about you, you became my ?1 inspiration. So i’m really very thankful. By reading your blog i (how the heck i can say what i mean) level-up the fashion-themed side of my mind…
    …well, hope that was understandable…
    Anyhow, THANK YOU EBBA very much.
    Almost forgot that you also taught me that my face can be beautiful, too (it has nothing to do with your face, you just did it.), somehow. Therefore it has to be a double thank you:)
    Oh, and one more thing, you once answered my question from that q&a post, which was rather important to me, and really helped me a lot and made me feel much better.
    I’m a very shy person, but i just thought i’d let you know about all the things i take from you all the time. So maybe i could make you feel a little better, too, by writing such a message. (Although i wasn’t actually planning it, it’s just my small “btw” ended up as a long boring text, but okay, i just hope you’ll figure out the point (it’s in capslock)).

  8. sara says:

    so nice idea, totally in love with this photoshooting, this is what I think!!!!!
    U have always great ideas!!!!

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