




Hej vänner! Har fatt lana Max, resans fotografs, laptop för att blogga idag. Min dator har nämligen totalkraschat, vilket suger ganska hart eftersom jag inte vet om allt sjukt fett material jag samlat pa mig under denna resa samt tre mander tillbaka är borta. Dessutom kommer jag troligtvis inte ha möjlighet att laga den (om det gar) förrän jag är tillbaka i Berlin, eftersom vi just nu befinner oss pa en liten ö utanför Bali (bilderna ovan är fran batresan hit). Därmed kommer uppdateringen antagligen bli lidande tills jag hittar en lösning till detta, snälla hall tummar och tar för att jag kan fa tillbaka materialet och att detta löser sig. I sa fall lovar jag att börja göra back-ups varje vecka. Vi hörs när vi hörs! Tusen pussar. xx

Hello friends! I’ve got to borrow Max’s, the extreeemely kind photographer of the trip, laptop for blogging today. My computer has crashed, which sucks pretty hard because I don’t know if all the dope material I’ve produced during this trip and three months back is gone. Furthermore, I’ll probably not be able to fix it (if that’s even possible) until I’m back in Berlin, because right now we are on a small island (pictures above are from the boat trip here btw). So I’m super sorry to say that the update probably will be super bad until I find a solution to this, please keep your fingers crossed that I can get my work back. In that case, I promise to start making back-ups every week. I’ll get back to u when it’s possible! A thousand kisses. xx

2 responses to “PROBLEMS

  1. Darren Alff says:

    Oh no! I hope you can get your computer back up and running again. I spent 5+ months traveling in Peru recently and my computer’s hard drive suddenly stopped working after a long and bumpy 22+ hour bus ride across the country. I had all my photos from the trip (and most importantly – the Amazon jungle) stored on the drive and I lost a great deal of them – never to be recovered. It still makes me sad when I think about all the great photos I lost. Hopefully you’re situation turns out different than mine! Now I backup all my photos on 2 external hard drives that I carry with me (in case one of the drives fails, I always have a backup)… and I back them up online whenever the opportunity presents itself (via

  2. sara says:

    It happened to me the same three months ago…it is terrible, but I managed to recover, a lot of things, hope for you will be the same

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