




set- Junkyard, shoes- Urban Outfitters

Förra veckan reppade jag Adidas till 100% i mitt bästa mjukis-set. Idag är det foto-jobb, marknad och födelsedagsprep som står på schemat. Känns helt sjukt att fylla 20!

Last week I went all-in for Adidas wearing my fav set.
Today photo-assignments, market and birthday prepping is on my schedule. I can’t believe I’m 20 tomorrow!

10 responses to “PASTEL SWING

  1. ISA says:

    haha sötan, 20.. rena barnet 😉 nejdååå. Du borde styra nån jävligt rolig tema-fest! 😀

  2. Nato says:

    I always remember your birthday bacause I’m with you seince you were 15 or 16 😀 20 May, it’s important day for me! Happy Birthday Ebba! and it’s your golden birthday isn’t it? you’re turning to 20 on May 20th!

  3. Kristine says:

    simply amazing <3

  4. Elin says:

    Alltså vart är dina glajjor ifrån?! Galet snygga! 🙂

  5. A Chinese Guy Z says:

    I first saw you when you were 16. You should know that you have many fans in China. Love you!Grattis på födelsedagen! <333

  6. Nutri says:

    I really like the edit of this photos 🙂

  7. Itzel López says:

    You are turning 20!! Happy b-day in advance :* . I’m your sister’s age and I feel do proud of what you have achieved 🙂 . Please post about your shoes!! I would really like to see your shoes collection!! please, please please!!!

  8. Kristine says:

    yeah I’d love to see your shoes collection too, Ebba 🙂

  9. Sophie says:

    I just love the adidas combo!

  10. Kathi says:

    Love, love, love this Kombo! 😉

    lg, Kathi

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