I söndags gick jag all in och slĂ€ngde pĂ„ mig alla favvo-plagg samtidigt. Har en tendens att götta ner mig i ohĂ€lsosamt bekvĂ€ma klĂ€der som denna kofta frĂ„n Coal N’ Terry Vintage sĂ„hĂ€r pĂ„ hösten. Förutom det lĂ„ter jag gĂ€rna fĂ€rgade strumpbyxor pigga upp mina looks just nu, dessa Ă€r frĂ„n IWearSin. Skorna Ă€r frĂ„n nelly.com och nĂ„got av det ballaste jag Ă€ger. Ryggan Ă€r second hand och shortsen Ă€r frĂ„n monki.
Translate: Last Sunday I went all in and wore all my favorite garments at the same time. I’ve got a tendency to just wear incredibly comfortable clothing like this cardigan from Coal N ‘Terry Vintage in the fall. Besides that, I love letting colored tights brighten up my looks these days (these ones are from IWearSin). The shoes are from nelly.com and maybe the coolest pair I own. The backpack is second hand and the shorts are from Monki.