Ni har sĂ€kert inte missat bloggduellen som bĂ„de Victoria, Angelica och My deltagit i. Nu Ă€r det min tur att slĂ„ ett slag för den svenska stilen! Sverige ligger under med 2-1 sĂ„ det gĂ€ller att vinna eller försvinna, haha. NĂ€r du röstar deltar du automatiskt i utlottningen av ett presentkort pĂ„ 2000 spĂ€nn hos bubbleroom ocksĂ„, sĂ„ om du tycker att min look Ă€r finast: rösta HĂR! Tack vĂ€nner.
Translate: I’m sure you haven’t missed “bloggduellen” (the blog duel), who both Victoria, Angelica and My has participated in. It’s Swedish fashion bloggers against Norweigan fashion bloggers, and Norway is leading the competition with 2-1, so now it’s a matter of Sweden’s pride! Haha. When you vote you automaticly get the chance to win a gift-certificate in the value of 2000 SEK, so if you think my look is the nicest: vote HERE (just click at the green button below my picture)! Thanks guys.