Bilder frĂ„n igĂ„r, dĂ„ syrran och Cissi tog studenten. De var sĂ„ himla fina nĂ€r de sprang ut, och behöver jag ens nĂ€mna hur avis jag var? Ă
andra sidan har första Ă„ret pĂ„ gymnasiet bara flugit förbi, den mysiga teaterkorridoren jag tillbringade första mĂ„naderna i, bytet till medialinjen, alla frustrerade klasskamrater sĂ„ fort vi jobbar med InDesign, alla hĂ„rda deadlines att hĂ„lla reda pĂ„ och alla klass-fikor som innehĂ„llit minst lika mĂ„nga kameror som kaksorter. Efter all beslutsĂ„ngest sĂ„ Ă€r jag sĂ„ glad att jag kan se tillbaka pĂ„ ettan och kĂ€nna att jag bĂ„de valde rĂ€tt skola och klass. Hur Ă€r det med er, kompisar? Ăr/var ni nöjda med ert val av gymnasium?
Pictures from yesterday, when my sister and Cissi graduated from high school. They were so excited when they ran out of the school building, and need I even mention how jealous I was? On the other hand, my first year in high school has just flown by, the cozy theater corridor that I spent the first few months in, the change to the media-education, all frustrated classmates as soon as we are working with InDesign, all hard deadlines to keep track of and all hours spent in the photo studio. After all making up my mind, I’m so glad I can look back at my first year and feel that I both chose the right school and education.