HĂ€r kommer Ă€ntligen den första delen av de tĂ„gluffsinlĂ€gg jag utlovat. Jag ska försöka svara pĂ„ sĂ„ mĂ„nga av era frĂ„gor som möjligt samtidigt som jag tipsar och berĂ€ttar om roliga saker vi upplevde dĂ€r, och först ut Ă€r… Amsterdam! Detta var, förutom nĂ„gra timmar i Köpenhamn, vĂ„rt första stopp pĂ„ luffen. SĂ„ det var med stora ögon och lyckorus i kroppen vi började vĂ„r promenad mot pensionatet vi bokat. Det lĂ„g bara nĂ„gra hundra meter bort frĂ„n tĂ„gstationen och var superfint, “Canal view house” hette det och lĂ„g ovanpĂ„ en frisörsalong, just vid red light district. Det var lite dyrare Ă€n genomsnittet men rummet hade sköna sĂ€ngar, badrum, kaffe, te och en enorm balkong (förvĂ€nta er ingen “canal view” dock). Vi stannade i staden i tvĂ„ nĂ€tter och nĂ„gra saker jag kan rekommendera Ă€r Waterlooplein (en enorm secondhandmarknad med gĂ„ngavstĂ„nd frĂ„n centrum, sista bilden), all god ost, vĂ€rldens största kondomeri (hur kul som helst, Ă€ven det med gĂ„ngavstĂ„nd frĂ„n centrum, fjĂ€rde bilden) och underbart fina Vondelpark som vi Ă„t frukost i sista dagen, innan vi satte oss pĂ„ tĂ„get mot nĂ€sta stad- Berlin.
Here is finally the first part of the interrailing posts I promised you. I’ll try to answer as many of your questions as possible while I give you tips and write about funny things we experienced there, and first up is … Amsterdam! This was, apart from a few hours in Copenhagen, our first stop on the trip. So it was with big eyes and euphoria in the body we began our walk to the guest house we had booked. It was only a few hundred meters away from the train station and it was super nice. It was called “Canal view house” and was on top of a hair salon, just by the red light district. It was a little more expensive than average but the room had comfortable beds, bathroom, coffee, tea and a huge balcony (but no “canal view” , haha). We stayed in town for two nights and a few things I can recommend is Waterlooplein (a huge second hand market, walking distance from the center, the last picture), all good cheese, the world’s largest condomerie (much fun, also within walking distance from the center, the fourth image ) and beautiful Vondelpark which we ate breakfast in the last day before we jumped on the train to the next town, Berlin.