Hörrni! HĂ€r har ni Ă€nnu en chans att vinna fina priser pĂ„ alla hjĂ€rtans dag. Det ni tĂ€vlar om denna gĂ„ng Ă€r tre presentkort pĂ„ ASOS ( med ett vĂ€rde pĂ„ ca 1000, 300 och 200 kronor). Allt ni behöver göra Ă€r att styla en alla hjĂ€rtans dag-look pĂ„ GLAMSTORM HĂR (det Ă€r faktiskt riktigt kul dĂ„ de har klĂ€der frĂ„n ett lĂ„ng rad mĂ€rken att experimentera med, om man bortser frĂ„n att provdockornas kroppar Ă€r ungefĂ€r lika proportionerliga som barbies innan man Ă€ndrar den som man vill ha den) och gilla Glamstorm pĂ„ facebook. Om du kĂ€nner för det (inget krav för att tĂ€vla)vore det ocksĂ„ kul om du lĂ€mnade en kommentar till detta inlĂ€gg med lĂ€nken+namnet pĂ„ looken du skapat och en liten motivering (valftitt!). Vinnarna utser och publicerar jag pĂ„ alla hjĂ€rtans dag. Lycka till!
 Hey guys! Here you have another chance to win great prizes for Valentine’s Day. This time you can win three gift certificates at ASOS (with a value of 100, 30 and 20 GBP). All you need to do to participate is to style a Valentine’s date look at GLAMSTORM HERE (it’s actually really fun, they have clothes from a wide range of brands to experiment with, apart from the  model’s bodies are as proportionate as barbie dolls before you change them to the shape you want) and like GLAMSTORM at Facebook. If you feel like you can leave a comment to this post with the name of the look you created, a link and a short text about it. I’ll select and announce the winners on Valentine’s Day. Good Luck!