











Såhär såg jag ut i oktober förra året! Känns ju som tusen år sedan, men det är inte utan att jag saknar det röda håret lite ändå. Vilken look är eran favvo? Min är nog nummer fem, gillar den bilden så mycket.
I skrivande stund sitter jag på tåget till Mannheim och vill bara önska er en fab lördag. Visar er bilder från vår mini-weekend här sen. PÖSS!

Here’s what I looked like in October last year! Feels like a thousand years ago, but it still makes me miss my red hair a little. Which image do you like the best? Mine is probably number five, I like that picture so much.
However. Right now I’m on the train to Mannheim and I just want to wish you a fab Saturday. I’ll you pictures of our mini-weekend here later. Kisses!

5 responses to “///OCT-14

  1. Carola H says:

    Hi Ebba, I have been following you for a while now and i had a question for you: what do you do with all your clothing, because you seem to have so much of it, do you keep everything or do you throw it away?

  2. Nato says:

    Number 2 and 8 are my favorites but you are the most beautiful in number 3!

  3. ISA says:

    gick du i tisha eller!? :OO åh. <3

  4. fran says:

    I liked your red hair so much! It was way cooler…

  5. Robert says:

    I love your red hair, Number 6 is probably my favorite

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