Ocean Breeze

(liten tjuvkik på något som dyker upp här inom kort)

Som ni ser befinner jag mig på Örsten för tillfället, vilar upp mig efter alla strapatser sommarlovet hittills har erbjudit och lägger stressen bakom mig för ett tag. Idag ska jag njuta fullt ut av det grymma vädret och placera mig på stranden med en grym bok, och kanske plocka fram vindsurfingbrädan om vinden tar sig lite. Vad gör ni idag vänner? Ut i solen med er!

Translate: As you may see, I’m at our summerhouse at Örsten right now, resting after all the adventures the summer holidays so far have offered and putting the stress behind for a while. Today I will fully enjoy the nice weather and just lay on the beach with an awesome book, and maybe pick up my windsurfing board if the wind gets a little bit stronger. What are you doing today, friends?

7 responses to “Ocean Breeze

  1. s says:

    Love ;D

    STREET LIFE: DAISY LOWE @ Elie Saab Show

  2. Olga says:

    Yesterday I visited your blog for the first time and at once I get to like this page. I love your appearance, your hair, smile and eyes, you are an amazing girl. 😀 I will visit your blog very often. 🙂 Bye.

  3. Sandra says:

    Så fin bild 🙂

  4. Seung-won says:

    So awesome picutures! Did you overlap a picture of some clothes? How is the weather in Umea these days? It’s rainy period in Korea… 🙁

  5. Ebba Zingmark says:

    Seung-won; Thanks! You’ll see what it is in my next post :). Here it’s sunny, clear blue sky and 25 degrees, we’re in the middle of the warmest period of the year 🙂

  6. Therese says:

    Superfin bild!!

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