Ni såg rätt! JAG SKA TILLBAKA TILL NYC! Jag kommer att åka tillsammans med och stanna under hela modeveckan. Jag kommer att gå på visningar, events och få hänga med lookbook-teamet (vilket jag sett fram emot ända sedan jag började posta looks på lookbook för över tre år sedan!). Jag fick veta detta igår så nu är det MASSOR att göra! Jag måste packa, sätta ihop outfits, göra några ärenden i stan och dessutom ska jag hinna gå till skolan. Jag åker tidigt tidigt imorgon bitti så det är verkligen snabba puckar nu! Wohooo!


Yep- that’s right! I’LL RETURN TO NYC! I will be there together with and stay throughout fashion week. I will go to pashion shows, events and get to hang with the lookbook team (which I’ve been looking forward to ever since I started posting looks on lookbook three years ago!). I got to know this yesterday so now I have LOTS of things to do! I have to pack, put together the right outfits, do some errands in town and also I’ll have to go to school. I’m off early early tomorrow morning so everything has to be done today! Wohooo!

9 responses to “NEW YORK BABY!

  1. eeelin says:

    men åh va underbart! Ha en toppenresa!

  2. myhrans says:

    Åh va kul!

  3. Sigrid says:

    Så gøy! Ha en riktig god tur 😀

  4. Pip says:

    Ahhh, good luck honey! You so deserve this xxxx

  5. chi says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! i’m so excited to live vicariously through you!

  6. Mayflowers says:

    Congratulations, you are just SO lucky!! Looking forward to reading all about your trip and NYFW 😀

  7. Mayflowers says:

    Congratulations, you are just SO lucky!! Looking forward to reading all about your trip and NYFW 😀

  8. Jeline says:

    Congrats, Ebba!! I’m happy for you. Have fun in NYC!

  9. tempsec says:

    This is amazing! I’m so jealous! have a wonderful time, Ebba! Hope you are well

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