

Girls! Har ni hört om Natural Cycles? NaturalCycles Àr en hormonfri fertilitetsapp som funkar precis som en extra kÀnslig febertermometer. Du tar helt enkelt tempen i munnen varje morgon och för in datan i en app som rÀknar ut vilka dagar du Kan bli gravid och vilka dagar du inte kan. Metoden ersÀtter inte kondom dÄ den inte skyddar mot könssjukdomar sÄ passar bÀst i ett fast förhÄllande. Du slipper alltsÄ piller och lÀr kÀnna kroppen bÀttre pÄ köpet.
Efter att ha gĂ„tt pĂ„ p-piller frĂ„n och till i tvĂ„ Ă„r men upplevt fler negativa effekter Ă€n positiva bestĂ€mde jag mig för att sluta. KĂ€nns bara inte helt rĂ€tt att störa kroppens naturliga hormonbalans och samtidigt gĂ„ runt med dĂ„ligt samvete för alla fiskar som fĂ„r i sig pillerrester (visste ni att p-piller kan göra fiskar tvĂ„könade och sterila?). Blev svinglad och nyfiken nĂ€r jag fick höra om NC för första gĂ„ngen. Nu har jag fĂ„tt hem ett kit som jag frĂ„n och med idag ska testa. Återkommer med resultat!

Med risk för att lÄta supersÀljig- jag har ett löjligt bra erbjudande till dig som ocksÄ vill testa NC! Ange ebba2nc under kampanjkod-fÀltet pÄ nÀr ni bestÀller sÄ fÄr ni 50% rabatt hela första Äret samt en gratis termometer. Kan ju inte garantera nÄgonting dÄ jag sjÀlv inte testat produkten Àn, men jag kan definitivt sÀga att jag sjÀlv hade nappat pÄ detta erbjudande om jag inte redan haft ett kit. Haha!

Girls! Have you heard about Natural Cycles? Natural Cycles is a hormone free contraceptive that works just like an extra sensitive thermometer. You simply meassure the temperature in your mouth every morning, and insert the data into an app that calculates the days you can get pregnant and not. The method does not replace condoms because it doesn’t protect you drom STDs. This way you won’t need to take any pills and you get to know your body better!
After takin contraceptive pills on and off the last two years, but experienced more negative effects than positive, I decided to stop. It just doesn’t feel right to mess with the body’s natural hormone balance and at the same time walking around with a bad conscience for all the fish that ingest pill residues (did you know that contraceptive pills can make fish hemaphrodite and sterile?). I was super happy and curious when I heard about NC for the first time, so I ordered a kit that I from now on will be testing. I’ll be back with results!

With the risk of sounding super commercial- I have a ridiculously good offer to the ones of you who also want to test NC! If you enter ebba2nc em> in the promotional code section on when you order you get 50% off the entire first year, and a free thermometer. I cann’t guarantee you anything from my own experiences since I haven’t tried the product yet but I can definitely say that I had used this offer if I didn’t have a kit already. Haha!

4 responses to “NATURAL CYCLES

  1. Rosa says:

    Woah, this sounds like quite an irresponsible thing to advertise. Yeah, it’s good to know your body better and understand when you’re at your most and least fertile, but there is still a chance of getting pregnant during the least or less fertile days (, so you should definitely still use a condom if you don’t want to get pregnant. Oral contraceptives aren’t ideal, but condoms are quite an easy solution and rarely impact sexual pleasure in a negative way.

  2. Kate says:


    I came here via your instagram because I have read all the terrible comments about your choice. Don’t listen to them!
    When done correctly, this method, together with keeping track of your cervical fluids it is as safe as the pill. (Pearl index of 0.8)
    There are ‘safer’ places to measure the temperature than your mouth, though. 😉

    A woman can only get pregnant for 24 hours, together with the survival chance of the male sperms you have a time window of about 8 days in your menstrual cycle during which pregnancy can occur.
    Unfortunately I didn’t find any english site to link so everybody can get reliable information about it. But I did it myself for several years without becoming pregnant. And getting pregnant when I wanted it was so mich easier because I knew my fertile days.

    Make sure you know the rules and find a support community on the Internet that can help you if you have questions on your temperature curves. Don’t trust the APP only, find a book that explains the rules and reasons and try to interpret the curves yourself. Most importantly: if you are unsure and insecure, use that rubber thing!

  3. gabriella says:

    Unfortunately they changed their prices (54% more) in my country and this code isn’t working anymore 🙁 why did they do so??? 🙁

  4. F. says:

    If you want to give Natural Cycles a try, you can have -10% on the yearly subscription following this link
    I’m so satisfied with this app, it is the perfect contraception for me. And yes, I have irregular cycles and the app takes that into consideration!

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