Åh, Marni’s samarbete med H&M ser så himla lovande ut. Plaggen är enkla och sportiga och mönstren får stå i fokus. Precis vad jag är sugen på just nu! Detta kan mycket väl bli H&M’s bästa samarbete hittills. Ville mest bara dela med mig av min exaltation och önska er en trevlig kväll innan jag hugger in på min pizza och börjar se film med klassen. Trevlig kväll!

Translate: Oh, Marni’s collaboration with H & M looks soo nice at these pictures. The clothes are simple and sporty, and the patterns are in focus. Exactly how I want it right now! This may very well be H&M’s best collaboration so far, according to me. Anyways. Mostly I just wanted to share my excitement with you and wish you a nice evening before I start eating my pizza and turn on a good movie with my school-class. Have a nice evening!

12 responses to “MARNI FOR H&M

  1. Sandra says:

    gosh! himla coolt

  2. Macy says:

    great outfits and pictures 🙂

  3. FOUREYES says:

    The menswear is cool..cant wait until it’s in store!

  4. Liz says:

    To die for!! I would love to get my hands on some of those collars; of course, they’ll disappear from stores in a matter of hours. 🙁


  5. Seung-won says:

    Their men’s collection is as cool as women’s, especially colorful jumper and yellow shorts; can’t wait for it! 🙂

  6. Steph C. says:

    Yes!! I can’t wait as well! I’m going to their showroom today!!! eep!!! hahah!


    Jag älskar allt 🙂 Det skulle vara lite mer färg bara.

  8. Vla says:

    a perfecto collection, how i wish we had an h&m here in peru 🙁

  9. Jessica says:

    I love the photos! especially the one of above right.

  10. Jana says:

    Looks WAY better than the versace collaboration! love it!

  11. Jennifer says:

    Herregud vad smala:o

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