Luftslottet som sprängdes

Hair rings- Reagalrose

Nu tar jag min väska och beger mig ut i skogen tillsammans med Kajsa, Karin, Ebba och Siri för att precis som förra året leva i en liten stuga med kajsas morföräldrar över helgen. Spela kort, plocka svamp, fika hela tiden och värma händerna framför den öppna spisen, ni vet.  Koppla av lite efter första skolveckan som redan kastat in mig i vardagsstressen. Resten av looken ovan dyker upp här imorgon. Puss!

Now I’ll jump on the bus north together with Kajsa, Karin, Ebba and Siri to just like last year live in a small cottage with Kajsa’s grandparents over the weekend. Play cards, pick mushrooms, drink coffee and eat sweets all the time and warm my hands in front of the fireplace, you know. Relax a little after the first school week that already have thrown me into the daily stress. The rest of the look above will show up here tomorrow. xx

7 responses to “Luftslottet som sprängdes

  1. frida says:

    have a nice trip, i love your photos!!

  2. Mikko says:

    Love these photos! You look gorgeous 🙂

  3. Eva says:

    Looks cool!! Have fun this weekend!

  4. Pip says:

    You look so different in these pictures, definitely a nice different though! This might sound a bit weird and perhaps a bit stalker-ish, but I love watching your style devlop because you are one of my favourite bloggers/lookbookers, I have literally seen every single one of your posts on lookbook (I love flicking through them for inspiration) and I just think it’s amazing seeing how you’ve grown up and changed, and how different and yet how similar your style is now to when you started this whole blogging malarkey!

    Anyway, I hope you have a lovely time with your friends, and relax instead of stress out 🙂

    Pip x

  5. Daria says:

    Så grymt snygga bilder!

  6. Jeline says:

    seriously cant wait to see the whole outfit! it looks incredible <3

  7. Amanda says:

    helt galet snyggt!!

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