Puh! Har flyttat och jobbat ända sedan imorse så nu avslutar jag äntligen den här tunga dagen med grädde och jordgubbar och lite peppande mail från er. Tusen tack till Jérémy, Ed, Jolijn and Oksana för dessa sinnessjukt fina bilderna, och till er andra som skriver till mig såklart. Blir så himla glad varje gång. Nu är det dags att krypa ner framför teven, hörs imorgon vänner!

Phew! I’ve been moving in to my new apartment ever since this morning but now I’ll finally finish this day with whipped cream and strawberries and reading some of the amazing emails you’ve sent me. Many thanks to Jérémy, EdJolijn and Oksana for these beautiful pictures, and to the rest of you who write to me of course. I get soo happy every time. Now it’s time to sit down in front of the TV, I’ll get back to you tomorrow my friends!

5 responses to “LÖRDAGSPEPP

  1. Oksana says:

    Have I told you that I love you, Ebba? oh yes, I have. <3 thanks again for posting it, it means a world to me.

  2. Jolijn says:

    Ebba! I love you! I really had’nt expected you to post this drawing. Thank you so much!
    I really love the other drawings too <3 it’s so nice to see all those talented people’s works!

  3. Yuree Kim says:

    I love your blog so much!♥
    it has story, fun and full if beautiful things:)
    Waiting for your new site~!

  4. Amanda says:


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